; ***************************************************************************************** ; Copyright © 1999 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. ; ; Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for ; the use of this software. ; Scenix Semiconductor conveys no license, implicitly or otherwise, under ; any intellectual property rights. ; Information contained in this publication regarding TCP/IP stack, ; and the like is intended through suggestion only and may ; be superseded by updates. Scenix Semiconductor makes no representation ; or warranties with respect to the accuracy or use of these information, ; or infringement of patents arising from such use or otherwise. ; Patent Pending. ;***************************************************************************************** ; ; Filename: TCP.src ; ; Authors: ; Chris Waters (SMTP, HTTP, TCP/IP, PPP, UART) ; Abraham Si (POP3) ; ; Revision: 1.0.4 ; ; Part: SX52BD ; Freq: 50Mhz ; Compiled using Parallax SX-Key software v1.07 and SASM 1.40 ; To compile this software using SXKEY search for the word 'SXKEY_CHANGE' and make the commented ; changes. ; ; Date Written: Oct. 1999 ; ; Last Revised: ; 8 Nov 1999 - Added bank instruction to AppBytesToSend for HTTP. (CJW). ; 19 Nov 1999 - Integrated UDP demo code. Bug fixes. (CJW). ; 20 Jan 2000 - Changed device directive for 2.0 silicon. (CJW). ; 11 may 2000 - Updated to asemble correctly with SASM (Rev 1.44.6). Also verified with Parallax ; software rev 1.19. ; Program Description: ; HTTP server ; SMTP client, send email when threshold crossed if ADCDEMO is enabled; ; else send email when connected and when PING'ed ; POP3 client, can retrieve up to 255 messages. Attachments are okay. ; received emails are not buffered, but just sent out immediately to ; the debug port. ; ; Revision History: 1.00 initial public release ; ;***************************************************************************************** ;***************************************************************************************** ; Target SX ; Uncomment one of the following lines to choose the SX18AC, SX20AC, SX28AC, SX48BD/ES, ; SX48BD, SX52BD/ES or SX52BD. For SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES, uncomment both defines, ; SX48_52 and SX48_52_ES. ;***************************************************************************************** ;SX18_20 ;SX28 SX48_52 ;SX48_52_ES ;***************************************************************************************** ; Assembler Used ; Uncomment the following line if using the Parallax SX-Key assembler. SASM assembler ; enabled by default. ;***************************************************************************************** ;SX_Key ;********************************************************************************* ; Assembler directives: ; high speed external osc, turbo mode, 8-level stack, and extended option reg. ; ; SX18/20/28 - 4 pages of program memory and 8 banks of RAM enabled by default. ; SX48/52 - 8 pages of program memory and 16 banks of RAM enabled by default. ; ;********************************************************************************* IFDEF SX_Key ;SX-Key Directives IFDEF SX18_20 ;SX18AC or SX20AC device directives for SX-Key device SX18L,oschs2,turbo,stackx_optionx ENDIF IFDEF SX28 ;SX28AC device directives for SX-Key device SX28L,oschs2,turbo,stackx_optionx ENDIF IFDEF SX48_52_ES ;SX48BD/ES or SX52BD/ES device directives for SX-Key device oschs,turbo,stackx,optionx ELSE IFDEF SX48_52 ;SX48/52/BD device directives for SX-Key device oschs2 ENDIF ENDIF freq 50_000_000 ELSE ;SASM Directives IFDEF SX18_20 ;SX18AC or SX20AC device directives for SASM device SX18,oschs2,turbo,stackx,optionx ENDIF IFDEF SX28 ;SX28AC device directives for SASM device SX28,oschs2,turbo,stackx,optionx ENDIF IFDEF SX48_52_ES ;SX48BD/ES or SX52BD/ES device directives for SASM device SX52,oschs,turbo,stackx,optionx ELSE IFDEF SX48_52 ;SX48BD or SX52BD device directives for SASM device SX52,oschs2 ENDIF ENDIF irc_cal IRC_SLOW freq 50_000_000 ENDIF ; set POP3DEMO & DEBUG =1 since the email will be pumped out from the debug port ;=============================================================================== ; Options ; ; Use these defines to enable or disable different features in the code. ;=============================================================================== ;DEBUG ; Set to enable the debugging information. WIN32 ; Set if the host is a Windows computer. WIN98 ; Set if the host is Windows 98. UDP ; Enable UDP. TCP ; Enable TCP. UDPDEMO ; Enable the UDP demonstration code. (Requires UDP.) ;HTTPDEMO ; Enable the web server. (Requires TCP.) ;JAVADEMO ; Enable the Java sprinkler demo. (Requires UDP.) SMTPDEMO ; Enable the SMTP client. (Requires TCP.) ;POP3DEMO ; Enable the POP3 client (Requires TCP.) ;POP3DEBUG ; Send POP3 state information to the debug port. ;ADCDEMO ; Enable the A/D for the SMTP client demo. IFDEF POP3DEMO id 'POP3 ' ENDIF IFDEF SMTPDEMO id 'SMTP ' ENDIF IFDEF HTTPDEMO id 'HTTP ' ENDIF reset ResetVector ;***************************************************************************************** ; Macros ;***************************************************************************************** ;********************************************************************************* ; Macro: _bank ; Sets the bank appropriately for all revisions of SX. ; ; This is required since the bank instruction has only a 3-bit operand, it cannot ; be used to access all 16 banks of the SX48/52. For this reason FSR.4 (for SX48/52BD/ES) ; or FSR.7 (SX48/52bd production release) needs to be set appropriately, depending ; on the bank address being accessed. This macro fixes this. ; ; So, instead of using the bank instruction to switch between banks, use _bank instead. ; ;********************************************************************************* _bank macro 1 NOEXPAND bank \1 IFDEF SX48_52 IFDEF SX48_52_ES IF \1 & %00010000 ;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction setb fsr.4 ;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software. ENDIF ELSE IF \1 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software. ELSE clrb fsr.7 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF endm ;********************************************************************************* ; Macro: _mode ; Sets the MODE register appropriately for all revisions of SX. ; ; This is required since the MODE (or MOV M,#) instruction has only a 4-bit operand. ; The SX18/20/28AC use only 4 bits of the MODE register, however the SX48/52BD have ; the added ability of reading or writing some of the MODE registers, and therefore use ; 5-bits of the MODE register. The MOV M,W instruction modifies all 8-bits of the ; MODE register, so this instruction must be used on the SX48/52BD to make sure the MODE ; register is written with the correct value. This macro fixes this. ; ; So, instead of using the MODE or MOV M,# instructions to load the M register, use ; _mode instead. ; ;********************************************************************************* _mode macro 1 IFDEF SX48_52 mov w,#\1 ;loads the M register correctly for the SX48BD and SX52BD mov m,w ELSE mov m,#\1 ;loads the M register correctly for the SX18AC, SX20AC ;and SX28AC ENDIF endm top = 0 indent = 1 IFDEF DEBUG ; uncomment only if you have the debug monitor utility DEBUGP MACRO 2 ; mov DebugScratch1,w ; IF \2 = 1 ; mov w,#(\1|$80) ; ELSE ; mov w,#\1 ; ENDIF ; call @DebugSendByte ; mov w,DebugScratch1 ENDM DEBUGW MACRO 2 ; mov DebugScratch1,w ; IF \2 = 1 ; mov w,#(\1|$80) ; ELSE ; mov w,#\1 ; ENDIF ; call @DebugSendByte ; mov w,DebugScratch1 ; call @DebugSendByte ; mov w,DebugScratch1 ENDM ELSE DEBUGP MACRO 2 ENDM DEBUGW MACRO 2 ENDM ENDIF POP3W MACRO mov DebugScratch1,w ; save W register call @DebugSendByte mov w,DebugScratch1 ; restore W _bank POP3Vars ENDM IFDEF POP3DEBUG POP3DW MACRO mov DebugScratch1,w ; save W register call @DebugSendByte mov w,DebugScratch1 ; restore W _bank POP3Vars ENDM ELSE POP3DW MACRO ENDM ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; UART ring macro ; Advance the pointer through the ring, wrapping around if necessary ; This could be more efficient for aligned and power of 2 ring sizes. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ringadv MACRO 3 ; Arguments ptr,base,size inc \1 ; Increment the pointer ; Check for wrap around mov w,\1 ; Load the pointer xor w,#(\2+\3) ; Check if ptr = base+size mov w,#\2 snb status.2 mov \1,w ; Equal, set ptr to base ENDM ;=============================================================================== ; Constants ;=============================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Physical layer constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Ring buffer sizes rx_ring_size equ 7 ; Size (in bytes) of the rx ring buffer. tx_ring_size equ 7 ; Size of the tx ring buffer. ; N.B. In windows 95 the FIFO support must be turned off in the system control panel. ; PPP UART = 57600 baud baud_bit = 2 start_delay = 4+2+1 int_period = 217 ; Port Assignment: Bit variables rx_pin EQU rd.7 ; UART receive input tx_pin EQU rd.6 ; UART transmit output rts_pin EQU rd.5 ; UART RTS cts_pin EQU rd.1 ; UART CTS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PPP constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PPP packet data format PPPFlag = $7E PPPEscape = $7D PPPXor = $20 PPPAddress = $FF PPPControl = $03 PPPLCPPrefix = $C0 PPPLCP = $21 PPPIPCPPrefix = $80 PPPIPCP = $21 PPPIPPrefix = $00 PPPIP = $21 ; PPP LCP codes PPPConfigureRequest= 1 PPPConfigureAck = 2 PPPConfigureNak = 3 PPPConfigureReject= 4 PPPTerminateRequest= 5 PPPTerminateAck = 6 PPPCodeReject = 7 PPPProtocolReject= 8 PPPEchoRequest = 9 PPPEchoReply = 10 PPPDiscardRequest= 11 ; PPP state machine states. PPPStateInitial = 0 PPPStateStarting= 1 PPPStateClosed = 2 PPPStateStopped = 3 PPPStateClosing = 4 PPPStateStopping= 5 PPPStateReqSent = 6 PPPStateAckRcvd = 7 PPPStateAckSent = 8 PPPStateOpened = 9 ; PPP receive packet state machine. PPPStateFlag = 0 PPPStateAddress = 1 PPPStateControl = 2 PPPStateProto1 = 3 PPPStateProto2 = 4 PPPStateLCPCode = 5 PPPStateLCPID = 6 PPPStateLCPLen1 = 7 PPPStateLCPLen2 = 8 PPPStateData = 9 PPPStateFCS1 = 10 PPPStateFCS2 = 11 PPPStateUnknownCode= 12 ; PPP events. PPP_NONE = 0 PPP_RCA = 2 PPP_RCN = 3 PPP_RTR = 4 PPP_RTA = 5 PPP_RUC = 6 PPP_RXJ_GOOD = 7 PPP_RXJ_BAD = 8 PPP_RXR = 9 PPP_RCR_GOOD = 10 PPP_RCR_BAD = 11 PPP_TO_GOOD = 12 PPP_TO_BAD = 13 PPP_DATA = 14 ; PPP IPCP options PPPAddressOption = 3 ; Frame Check Sequence PPPValidFCSh = $F0 PPPValidFCSl = $B8 PPPRestartTimeout = 3 ; Number of seconds before restart timer expires PPPRestartExpire = 8 ; 1/(PPPRestartTimeout * 1/(ClockRate) * 256 * 256 * int_period) PPPRestartCountDefault = 6 ; Number of times to send configure-req before giving up. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IP constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPVersion = 4 ; IP version number. IPIHL = 5 ; Header length in number of 32 bit words. IPVIHL = (IPVersion<<4) | IPIHL IPTOS = 0 ; Type of service. Equals zero for routine service. IPFlagsField = 0 ; May fragment, last fragment. IPFrag1 = (IPFlagsField<<5) IPFrag2 = 0 ; No fragments so fragment offset equals zero. IPTTL = 15 ; Time to live (number of hops packet allowed to travel). IPProtocolICMP = 1 ; ICMP protocol. IPProtocolUDP = 17 ; UDP protcol. IPProtocolTCP = 6 ; TCP protocol. ICMPEchoRequest = 8 ; ICMP echo request packet. ICMPEchoReply = 0 ; ICMP echo reply packet. ICMPEchoHL = 8 ; Length of an ICMP echo header. IPAddress1 = 192 ; IP address of the SX. IPAddress2 = 168 IPAddress3 = 11 IPAddress4 = 1 UDPHLength = 8 ; Length of the UDP header. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TCP constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TCP state machine states. TCPStateClosed = 0 TCPStateListen = 1 TCPStateSynSent = 2 TCPStateSynReceived = 3 TCPStateEstablished = 4 TCPStateFinWait1 = 5 TCPStateFinWait2 = 6 TCPStateCloseWait = 7 TCPStateClosing = 8 TCPStateLastAck = 9 TCPStateTimeWait = 10 ; Bit positions in the flag byte. TCPFlagURG = 5 TCPFlagACK = 4 TCPFlagPSH = 3 TCPFlagRST = 2 TCPFlagSYN = 1 TCPFlagFIN = 0 ; TCP Options TCPOptionEnd = 0 TCPOptionNOP = 1 TCPOptionMSS = 2 ; Maximum segment size option. TCPHeaderLength = 5 ; Normal TCP header length. TCPOffsetMask = $F0 ; This is the maximum number of data bytes we will accept at once. TCPWindow = 254 TCPRestartExpire = 16 CharCR = $0d ; Carriage return. CharLF = $0a ; Linefeed. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Java Demo constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF JAVADEMO sprinklerPort = 7024 sprinklerZones = 3 sprinklerOn = 1 sprinklerOff = 0 sprinkler15 = 0 sprinkler30 = 1 sprinkler45 = 2 commandGet = 10 commandSet = 11 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; HTTP constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF HTTPDEMO ; Port number for HTTP server. HTTPPorth = 0 HTTPPortl = 80 ; States for parsing HTTP headers. HTTPParseMethod = 0 HTTPParseURI = 1 HTTPParseVersion = 2 HTTPParseHeader = 3 HTTPParseFinished = 4 HTTPParse1 = 5 HTTPParse2 = 6 HTTPParse3 = 7 HTTPParse4 = 8 HTTPMethodNone = 0 HTTPMethodGET = 'G' HTTPMethodPOST = 'P' HTTPMethodHEAD = 'H' HTTP404Hash = $AA ; Hash of the URL /404.html HTTPVarStart = '|' ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SMTP constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF SMTPDEMO SMTPPorth = 0 SMTPPortl = 25 ; The state reflects the last message received from the SMTP server. SMTPStateClosed = 0 SMTPStateHello = 1 SMTPStateHelloAck = 2 SMTPStateMail = 3 SMTPStateMailAck = 4 SMTPStateRcpt = 5 SMTPStateRcptAck = 6 SMTPStateData = 7 SMTPStateDataAck = 8 SMTPStateMesg = 9 SMTPStateMesgAck = 10 SMTPStateQuit = 11 SMTPStateQuitAck = 12 SMTPStateFinished = 13 ; IP address of the SMTP server. SMTPAddress1 = 192 SMTPAddress2 = 168 SMTPAddress3 = 11 SMTPAddress4 = 2 ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; POP3 constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF POP3DEMO POP3Porth = 0 POP3Portl = 110 ; The state reflects the last message received from the POP3 server. POP3StateClosed = 0 POP3StateUser = 1 POP3StateUserAck = 2 POP3StatePass = 3 POP3StatePassAck = 4 POP3StateStat = 5 POP3StateStatAck = 6 POP3StateRetr = 7 POP3StateRetrAck = 8 POP3StateMsg = 9 POP3StateDele = 10 POP3StateDeleAck = 11 POP3StateQuit = 12 POP3StateQuitAck = 13 POP3StateFinished = 14 POP3MsgSubStStart =0 ;start of Msg sub state POP3MsgSubSt1CR =1 ; 1st CR POP3MsgSubSt1LF =2 ; 1st LF detected POP3MsgSubStDot =3 ; <CR><LF>. detected POP3MsgSubSt2CR =4 ; <CR><LF>.<CR> POP3MsgSubStDotDot =6 ; byte-stuffed termination octet, strip it off ; IP address of the POP3 server. POP3Address1 = 192 POP3Address2 = 168 POP3Address3 = 11 POP3Address4 = 2 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; UDP Demo constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF UDPDEMO DemoPort = 280 ; Port number for SX demo. DemoMemDump = $10 ; Command to dump memory. DemoMemSet = $20 ; Command to set a memory location. DemoMemGet = $30 ; Command to get a memory location. ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Demo board constants ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;StatusPort = re ; Port for the status LEDs. StatusPort EQU re ; Port for the status LEDs. LED1 = 7 LED0 = 6 LEDUP = 5 ; Link Up LED. LEDRx = 4 ; Traffic LED. LEDTx = 3 ; Traffic LED. LEDErr = 2 ; Error LED. ;=============================================================================== ; Variables ;=============================================================================== org $0A ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Global variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scratch0 equ 0ah ; Scratch0 is preserved across SOME function calls. Scratch1 equ 0bh ; Scratch1 is never preserved. Scratch2 equ 0ch ; Scratch2 IFDEF DEBUG DebugScratch0 equ 0dh DebugScratch1 equ 0eh ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PPP variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $10 PPPVars = $ PPPFlags ds 1 ; Flags for the PPP state machine. inLCP = 0 ; 1 if the state machine is in LCP negotiation. inIPCP = 1 ; 1 if the state machine is in IPCP negotiation. inIP = 2 ; 1 if the IP layer is running. timerRunning = 3 ; 1 if the restart timer is running. linkUp = 4 ; 1 if the PPP link is up. addressOption = 5 ; 1 if we are handling a pesky address option. PPPState ds 1 ; The state of the PPP state machine. PPPRxState ds 1 ; State of the receive state machine. PPPEvent ds 1 ; The last PPP event. PPPDelayEvent ds 1 ; Temporarily hold a delayed event. PPPProto1 ds 1 ; The first byte of the received protocol PPPProto2 ds 1 ; The second byte of the received protocol PPPIdentifier ds 1 ; The received identifier. PPPLengthh ds 1 ; The high byte of the received length. PPPLengthl ds 1 ; The low byte of the received length. PPPTxFCSh ds 1 ; High byte of the Tx frame check sequence. PPPTxFCSl ds 1 ; Low byte of the Tx frame check sequence. PPPRxFCSh ds 1 ; High byte of the Rx frame check sequence. PPPRxFCSl ds 1 ; Low byte of the Rx frame check sequence. PPPFCSA ds 1 ; Temporary variable shared by both FCS routines. PPPRestartCount ds 1 ; Restart count for PPP state machine. org $20 IPVars = $ IPFlags ds 1 ; Flags used for IP Receive. echoPacket = 0 ; Last packet was ICMP echo. UDPPacket = 1 ; Current packet is UDP. TCPPacket = 2 ; Current packet is TCP. ICMPPacket = 3 ; ICMP packet. Will be refined to echoPacket when known. anyPacket = 4 ; Any packet was received. checksumBit = 7 ; Used while computing the checksum. IPTxVars = $ IPProtocol ds 1 ; The protocol contained in the packet. IPDestAddress1 ds 1 ; IP destination address. IPDestAddress2 ds 1 IPDestAddress3 ds 1 IPDestAddress4 ds 1 IPSrcAddress1 = IPDestAddress1 ; IP source address. IPSrcAddress2 = IPDestAddress2 IPSrcAddress3 = IPDestAddress3 IPSrcAddress4 = IPDestAddress4 IPLengthMSB ds 1 ; MSB of length of the packet in bytes. IPLengthLSB ds 1 ; LSB of length of the packet in bytes. IPChecksumMSB ds 1 ; High byte of the IP checksum. IPChecksumLSB ds 1 ; Low byte of the IP checksum. IPIDCounter ds 1 ; Counter for the identification field. IPRxLengthMSB ds 1 ; Length of the packet in bytes. IPRxLengthLSB ds 1 ; Length of the packet in bytes. IFDEF TCP TCPChecksumMSB ds 1 ; TCP Checksum. Must be in the IPVars bank. TCPChecksumLSB ds 1 ; TCP Checksum. ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; UDP variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $30 UDPVars = $ UDPSrcPortl ds 1 ; The source port. UDPSrcPorth ds 1 UDPDestPortl ds 1 ; The destination port. UDPDestPorth ds 1 UDPLengthMSB ds 1 ; Temporary storage for the length. UDPLengthLSB ds 1 UDPRxLength ds 1 ; Length of a received UDP packet. org $40 PPPTimer = $ PPPTimer1 ds 1 ; Restart timer for the PPP state machine. PPPTimer2 ds 1 ; Restart timer for the PPP state machine. PPPTimer3 ds 1 ; Restart timer for the PPP state machine. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TCP variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF TCP TCPVars = $ TCPState ds 1 ; State machine state. TCPInfo ds 1 TCPTMP_SEQ4 ds 1 ; TMP.SEQ. 1=LSB, 4=MSB. TCPTMP_SEQ3 ds 1 ; Temporary information from the received packet. TCPTMP_SEQ2 ds 1 TCPTMP_SEQ1 ds 1 TCPTMP_ACK4 ds 1 ; TMP.ACK. TCPTMP_ACK3 ds 1 ; Temporary information from the received packet. TCPTMP_ACK2 ds 1 TCPTMP_ACK1 ds 1 TCPOutstanding ds 1 ; The number of unacknowledged bytes. TCPRxFlags ds 1 ; Copy of the received flags field. org $50 ; The ordering of these variables is significant. It is the same as the TCP ; header. This simplifies the send-packet code. TCB = $ TCPLocalPorth ds 1 ; The source port. TCPLocalPortl ds 1 TCPRemotePorth ds 1 ; The destination port. TCPRemotePortl ds 1 TCPSND_UNA4 ds 1 ; SND.UNA. 1=LSB, 4=MSB. TCPSND_UNA3 ds 1 ; The oldest unacknowledged byte. TCPSND_UNA2 ds 1 TCPSND_UNA1 ds 1 TCPRCV_NXT4 ds 1 ; RCV.NXT. 1=LSB, 4=MSB. TCPRCV_NXT3 ds 1 ; The next byte to receive. TCPRCV_NXT2 ds 1 TCPRCV_NXT1 ds 1 TCPOffset ds 1 ; Length of the TCP options. TCPFlags ds 1 ; Flags field. TCP_WND_MSB ds 1 ; The send window (MSB). TCP_WND_LSB ds 1 ; the send window (LSB). TCBEnd = $ ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SMTP variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $60 IFDEF SMTPDEMO SMTPVars = $ SMTPState ds 1 ; SMTP transaction state machine. SMTPRxCount ds 1 ; Count of the number of bytes received in a packet. SMTPTxCount ds 1 ; Count of the number of bytes sent in a packet. SMTPCommand ds 1 ; Last SMTP command received. SMTPEOL ds 1 ; Flag to indicate if EOL reached. SMTPTxPointer ds 1 ; Pointer to the message to transmit. ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; POP3 variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $60 IFDEF POP3DEMO POP3Vars = $ POP3State ds 1 ; POP3 transaction state machine. POP3MsgSubSt ds 1 ; substate of POP3 Msg state POP3MsgSubStLast ds 1 ; the last substate since AckPacketOk POP3RxCount ds 1 ; Count of the number of bytes received in a packet. POP3TxCount ds 1 ; Count of the number of bytes sent in a packet. ; either +ok -err or +ok n (for stat command) POP3Command1 ds 1 ; Last POP3 command received. POP3Command2 ds 1 POP3Command3 ds 1 POP3Command4 ds 1 POP3Command5 ds 1 POP3Command6 ds 1 POP3Command7 ds 1 POP3TxMsgNo ds 1 POP3EOL ds 1 ; Flag to indicate if EOL reached. POP3TxPointer ds 1 ; Pointer to the message to transmit. POP3MsgEndFlag ds 1 ; message end =1, set when <LF>.<CR> is detected, actual change of state done in AppPacketOk org $70 POP3MoreVars = $ POP3RxMsgNo ds 1 ; reuse of memory, not use at the same time org $75 ; position at the 5 th byte, so commands like "RETR xxx" will be easily used POP3TxMsgDigit1 ds 1 POP3TxMsgDigit2 ds 1 POP3TxMsgDigit3 ds 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; HTTP variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $60 IFDEF HTTPDEMO HTTPVars = $ HTTPParseState ds 1 ; State of the HTTP header parser. HTTPURIHash ds 1 ; Hash of the current URI. HTTPMethod ds 1 ; HTTP method. HTTPDone ds 1 HTTPLengthMSB ds 1 HTTPLengthLSB ds 1 E2Bank = $ E2DeviceRD = %10100001 E2DeviceWR = %10100000 E2FileSizeH ds 1 E2FileSizeL ds 1 E2FileChecksumH ds 1 E2FileChecksumL ds 1 E2AddrH ds 1 E2AddrL ds 1 E2DataBits ds 1 E2BitCount ds 1 E2Delay ds 1 ;E2Port = re E2Port EQU re E2SCLPin = E2Port.0 E2SDAPin = E2Port.1 E2SCLMask = %00000001 E2SDAMask = %00000010 E2SDAInDDR = %00000010 E2SDAOutDDR = %00000000 E2PortInit = %00000011 E2Size = 8192 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A/D Demo variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF ADCDEMO org $70 ADCVars = $ isrFlags ds 1 adcComplete ds 1 adcValue ds 1 adcCount ds 1 adcAcc ds 1 adcTemp ds 1 ADCWarning ds 1 ADCTxCount ds 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Java Demo variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFDEF JAVADEMO org $80 JavaVars = $ lawnOn ds 1 lawnTime ds 1 pathOn ds 1 pathTime ds 1 flowerOn ds 1 flowerTime ds 1 JavaTxEnd = $ ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Serial UART variables ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $E0 serial = $ ; Serial UART bank ; save_bank ds 1 tx_high ds 1 ;hi byte to transmit tx_low ds 1 ;low byte to transmit tx_count ds 1 ;number of bits sent tx_divide ds 1 ;xmit timing (/16) counter rx_count ds 1 ;number of bits received rx_divide ds 1 ;receive timing counter rx_byte ds 1 ;buffer for incoming byte flags ds 1 ; Flags rx_flag EQU flags.0 ;signals when byte is received. rx_over EQU 1 ;signals an overflow. rx_ring_ip ds 1 ;receive ring in pointer rx_ring_op ds 1 ;receive ring out pointer rx_ring_cnt ds 1 ;receive ring contents count tx_ring_ip ds 1 ;transmit ring in pointer tx_ring_op ds 1 ;transmit ring out pointer tx_ring_cnt ds 1 ;transmit ring contents count org $F0 uart_rx_ring = $ ; UART ring buffers uart_tx_ring = $ rx_ring ds rx_ring_size ;space for the rx and tx ring buffers tx_ring ds tx_ring_size uart_temp ds 1 ; Temporary byte for UART. uart_temp_isr ds 1 ; Temporary byte for UART for use in ISR. IFDEF DEBUG org $D0 ;variables debug_serial = $ ;UART bank debug_tx_high ds 1 ;hi byte to transmit debug_tx_low ds 1 ;low byte to transmit debug_tx_count ds 1 ;number of bits sent debug_tx_divide ds 1 ;xmit timing (/16) counter debug_rx_count ds 1 ;number of bits received debug_rx_divide ds 1 ;receive timing counter debug_rx_byte ds 1 ;buffer for incoming byte debug_rx_flag EQU flags.6 ;signals when byte is received debug_save_bank ds 1 debug_save_mode ds 1 ;Save the mode register ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; Interrupt service routine ;=============================================================================== org $0 ; The ISR starts at location 0. jmp @SerialISR ; Use the UART VP ;=============================================================================== ; Jump table ;=============================================================================== ResetVector jmp @_ResetVector org $C00 PPPInit jmp @_PPPInit PPPOpen jmp @_PPPOpen PPPRxData jmp @_PPPRxData PPPClose jmp @_PPPClose PPPSendConfReq jmp @_PPPSendConfReq PPPSendConfRej jmp @_PPPSendConfRej PPPSendCodeRej jmp @_PPPSendCodeRej PPPSendConfAck jmp @_PPPSendConfAck PPPSendTermReq jmp @_PPPSendTermReq PPPSendPacket jmp @_PPPSendPacket PPPStartIPPacket jmp @_PPPStartIPPacket PPPClosePacket jmp @_PPPClosePacket PPPSendPartialPacket jmp @_PPPSendPartialPacket PPPReceive jmp @_PPPReceive PPPTxFCSInit jmp @_PPPTxFCSInit PPPTxFCSData jmp @_PPPTxFCSData PPPRxFCSInit jmp @_PPPRxFCSInit PPPRxFCSData jmp @_PPPRxFCSData PPPCheckFCS jmp @_PPPCheckFCS IPStartPacket jmp @_IPStartPacket IPReceivePacket jmp @_IPReceivePacket IPRxHeader jmp @_IPRxHeader IPRxClosePacket jmp @_IPRxClosePacket IPChecksum jmp @_IPChecksum IFDEF UDP UDPStartPacket jmp @_UDPStartPacket UDPRxHeader jmp @_UDPRxHeader ENDIF IFDEF TCP TCPActiveOpen jmp @_TCPActiveOpen TCPPassiveOpen jmp @_TCPPassiveOpen TCPClosePacket jmp @_TCPClosePacket TCPTransmit jmp @_TCPTransmit TCPRxHeader jmp @_TCPRxHeader TCPSendHeader jmp @_TCPSendHeader TCPSendSyn jmp @_TCPSendSyn TCPSendSynAck jmp @_TCPSendSynAck TCPSendAck jmp @_TCPSendAck TCPAddRCV_NXT jmp @_TCPAddRCV_NXT TCPAddSND_UNA jmp @_TCPAddSND_UNA TCPInitChecksum jmp @_TCPInitChecksum TCPTxByte jmp @_TCPTxByte TCPProcessPacket jmp @_TCPProcessPacket TCPSendEmptyHeader jmp @_TCPSendEmptyHeader TCPClose jmp @_TCPClose TCPChecksum jmp @_TCPChecksum TCPAckUpdate jmp @_TCPAckUpdate AppInit jmp @_AppInit AppBytesToSend jmp @_AppBytesToSend AppBytesAvailable jmp @_AppBytesAvailable AppNak jmp @_AppNak AppAck jmp @_AppAck AppTxByte jmp @_AppTxByte AppRxByte jmp @_AppRxByte AppPacketOK jmp @_AppPacketOK AppPacketBad jmp @_AppPacketBad ENDIF IPRxData PhyRxByte jmp @_PhyRxByte IPTxData PhyTxByte jmp @_PhyTxByte PhyTxByteNoFCS jmp @_PhyTxByteNoFCS PhyNoTransTxByte jmp @_PhyNoTransTxByte PhyRxTest jmp @_PhyRxTest ModemConnect jmp @_ModemConnect GetByte jmp @_GetByte SendByte jmp @_SendByte SerialInit jmp @_SerialInit IFDEF DEBUG DebugSendByte jmp @_DebugSendByte DebugSerialISR jmp @_DebugSerialISR ENDIF IFDEF POP3DEMO get_tens jmp @_get_tens get_hundreds jmp @_get_hundreds times_10 jmp @_times_10 ENDIF IFDEF ADCDEMO ADCSendWarning jmp @_ADCSendWarning ENDIF ; ; Subroutine - Get byte via serial port ; _GetByte _bank serial :wait mov w,rx_ring_cnt ; Get the number of bytes in the rx ring snz ; Is the receive ring empty? jmp :wait ; Yes, block until not empty mov w,rx_ring_op ; Load the ring out pointer mov fsr,w mov w,indf ; Get character from buffer mov uart_temp,w ; Save character _bank serial ringadv rx_ring_op,rx_ring,rx_ring_size ; Advance ring pointer dec rx_ring_cnt ; Decrement rx char count snz clrb StatusPort.LEDRx snz ; Is the count zero? clrb cts_pin ; Yes. Set the CTS pin to restart the DTE. _bank uart_rx_ring mov w,uart_temp ; Return byte in W retp ; ; Subroutine - Send byte via serial port ; _SendByte _bank uart_tx_ring setb StatusPort.LEDTx ; Set the traffic LED. mov uart_temp,w ; Move the byte to the ring bank. _bank serial :wait csne tx_ring_cnt,#tx_ring_size ; Compare to the ring size jmp :wait ; No, block until there is room mov w,tx_ring_ip ; Get buffer pointer mov fsr,w mov w,uart_temp mov indf,w ; Save temp in the ring _bank serial ; Ensure we are using the serial variables ringadv tx_ring_ip,tx_ring,tx_ring_size ; Advance ring pointer inc tx_ring_cnt ; Increment tx char count retp ;leave and fix page bits _SerialInit mov FSR,#$10 ;reset all ram starting at 10h :zero_ram CLR IND ;clear using indirect addressing IJNZ FSR,:zero_ram ;repeat until done mov rd,#%01000100 ; The both UARTs use port D. mov !rd,#%10110001 ; Set RD in/out directions. _bank serial clr rx_ring_cnt ; The receive ring is empty. mov w,#rx_ring mov rx_ring_ip,w ; Set the in and out pointers to the start of mov rx_ring_op,w ; the receive ring. clr tx_ring_cnt ; The transmit ring is empty. mov w,#tx_ring mov tx_ring_ip,w ; Set the in and out pointers to the start of mov tx_ring_op,w ; the transmit ring. mov !option,#%10011111 ; Enable rtcc interrupt. clrb cts_pin ; Raise CTS to start the DTE. retp ;=============================================================================== ; Debugging code. A second UART VP is used to send debugging messages to a ; terminal. ;=============================================================================== IFDEF DEBUG ; If we are debugging then enable a second UART for transmitting debug info. debug_rx_pin EQU rd.0 ;UART receive input debug_tx_pin EQU rd.3 ;UART transmit output ; *** 57600 baud debug_baud_bit = 2 debug_start_delay = 4+2+1 debug_int_period = 217 ; ; Subroutine - Send byte via serial port ; _DebugSendByte _bank debug_serial :wait test debug_tx_count ; Wait for not busy jnz :wait not w ; Ready bits (inverse logic) mov debug_tx_high,w ; Store data byte setb debug_tx_low.7 ; Set up start bit mov debug_tx_count,#10 ; 1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit retp ; ; Serial ISR for the debug UART ; _DebugSerialISR _bank debug_serial ; Switch to serial register bank :transmit clrb debug_tx_divide.debug_baud_bit ; Clear xmit timing count flag inc debug_tx_divide ; Only execute the transmit routine stz ; Set zero flag for test snb debug_tx_divide.debug_baud_bit ; Every 2^baud_bit interrupt test debug_tx_count ; Are we sending? JZ :rxdone ; If not, go to :receive clc ; Yes, ready stop bit rr debug_tx_high ; And shift to next bit rr debug_tx_low dec debug_tx_count ; Decrement bit counter movb debug_tx_pin,/debug_tx_low.6 ; Output next bit retp :rxdone retp ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; PPP subroutines ;=============================================================================== org $4 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPOpen ; Subroutine: PPPRxData ; ; Open a PPP connection to the peer. This entire routine must fit into a page ; and not cross any page boundaries. It must also be in the first half of a page. ; ; The same state machine is used to negotiate both the LCP and NCP (IPCP) ; parameters. The flags: PPPFlags.inLCP and PPPFlags.inIPCP indicate the ; current type of negotiation. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : z is set to 1 if a packet contained IP data, 0 otherwise. ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPOpen DEBUGP $0B,0 _bank PPPVars mov PPPFlags,#(1<<inLCP) ; Initialize the state. initMachine setb StatusPort.LED0 ; Turn on the negotiation LED. mov PPPState,#PPPStateReqSent ; Reset the state machine. mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateFlag ; Reset the Rx state machine. mov PPPRestartCount,#PPPRestartCountDefault call @PPPSendConfReq ; Send a configure-request _PPPRxData DEBUGP $0E,0 :eventLoop ; Wait for an event _bank PPPVars mov PPPEvent,#PPP_NONE ; Assume there will be no event. call @PhyRxTest ; See if any bytes in receive buffer. sz jmp :pollTimer ; No bytes waiting. Check timer. call @PPPReceive ; Process the received byte. test PPPEvent ; Check for zero. sz ; Was the event non-zero? jmp :stateJump ; Yes. Process it. :pollTimer sb PPPFlags.inIP jmp :cont clz retp ; Check if the restart timer has expired. :cont sb PPPFlags.timerRunning ; Is the restart timer running? jmp :timerEnd ; No. _bank PPPTimer csae PPPTimer3,#PPPRestartExpire ; Has the restart timer expired? jmp :timerEnd ; No. clr PPPTimer1 ; Yes. Initialise the restart timer. clr PPPTimer2 clr PPPTimer3 _bank PPPVars test PPPRestartCount ; Is the restart count zero? sz mov w,#PPP_TO_GOOD ; Signal the event. snz mov w,#PPP_TO_BAD ; Signal the event. mov PPPEvent,w jmp :stateJump :timerEnd _bank PPPVars ; Call application specific short routine here. jmp :eventLoop ; Continue polling. :stateJump mov w,PPPState DEBUGW $0D,0 _bank PPPVars add PC,PPPState ; Find the state in the jump table. jmp :Initial jmp :Starting jmp :Closed jmp :Stopped jmp :Closing jmp :Stopping jmp :ReqSent jmp :AckRcvd jmp :AckSent jmp :Opened ; Not reached. The routine returns from one of the states. ; At this point W holds the latest event. :Initial jmp :eventLoop :Starting jmp :eventLoop :Closed jmp :eventLoop :Stopped jmp :eventLoop :Closing jmp :eventLoop :Stopping jmp :eventLoop ; State 6 ============================================================ :ReqSent cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_BAD,:6ConfigureReject cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_GOOD,:6ConfigureReq cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCA,:6ConfigureAck cje PPPEvent,#PPP_TO_GOOD,:6TimerGood cje PPPEvent,#PPP_TO_BAD,:7TimerBad mov w,PPPEvent DEBUGW $04,0 jmp :eventLoop :6ConfigureReject ; We received a configure request with unacceptable options. call @PPPSendConfRej ; Send a configure reject. jmp :eventLoop ; Stay in this state. :6ConfigureReq ; We received an acceptable configure request. call @PPPSendConfAck ; Send a configure acknowledge. mov PPPState,#PPPStateAckSent ; Switch states. jmp :eventLoop :6ConfigureAck ; We received a configure acknowledgement for our request. ; ?? Initialize-Restart-Count mov PPPState,#PPPStateAckRcvd ; Switch states. jmp :eventLoop :6TimerGood ; The timer expired. Send the configure request packet again. call @PPPSendConfReq ; Retransmit the confReq jmp :eventLoop :6TimerBad DEBUGP $12,0 ; No peer. retp ; Return unsuccessful ; State 7 ============================================================ :AckRcvd cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_BAD,:7ConfigureReject cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_GOOD,:7ConfigureReq cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCA,:7ConfigureAck cje PPPEvent,#PPP_TO_GOOD,:7TimerGood cje PPPEvent,#PPP_TO_BAD,:7TimerBad mov w,PPPEvent DEBUGW $04,0 jmp :eventLoop :7ConfigureReject ; We received a configure request with unacceptable options. call @PPPSendConfRej ; Send a configure reject. jmp :eventLoop ; Stay in this state. :7ConfigureReq ; We received an acceptable configure request. call @PPPSendConfAck ; Send a configure acknowledge. mov PPPState,#PPPStateOpened ; Switch states. jmp :Opened ; Jump straight to the state. :7ConfigureAck ; We received a configure acknowledgement but there was ; no request outstanding. Indicates some sort of problem. jmp :eventLoop :7TimerGood ; The timer expired. Send the configure request packet again. call @PPPSendConfReq ; Retransmit the confReq mov PPPState,#PPPStateReqSent ; Switch states. jmp :eventLoop :7TimerBad DEBUGP $12,0 ; No peer. retp ; Return unsuccessful ; State 8 ============================================================ :AckSent cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_BAD,:8ConfigureReject cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_GOOD,:8ConfigureReq cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCA,:8ConfigureAck cje PPPEvent,#PPP_TO_GOOD,:8TimerGood cje PPPEvent,#PPP_TO_BAD,:8TimerBad mov w,PPPEvent DEBUGW $04,0 jmp :eventLoop :8ConfigureReject ; We received a configure request with unacceptable options. call @PPPSendConfRej ; Send a configure reject. mov PPPState,#PPPStateReqSent ; Switch states. jmp :eventLoop :8ConfigureReq ; We received an acceptable configure request. call @PPPSendConfAck ; Send a configure acknowledge. jmp :eventLoop ; Stay in this state. :8ConfigureAck ; We received a configure acknowledgement. Negotiation is ; complete. mov PPPState,#PPPStateOpened ; Switch states. jmp :Opened ;Jump straight to the state. :8TimerGood ; The timer expired. Send the configure request packet again. call @PPPSendConfReq ; Retransmit the confReq jmp :eventLoop :8TimerBad DEBUGP $12,0 ; No peer. retp ; Return unsuccessful ; State 9 ============================================================ :Opened clrb PPPFlags.timerRunning ; Stop the restart timer. sb PPPFlags.inLCP ; Are we currently doing LCP negotiation? jmp :IPCP ; No. Try IPCP. ; The LCP layer is now up. Start the network layer. clrb PPPFlags.inLCP ; We are finished with LCP negotiation. setb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Start the IPCP negotiation. jmp initMachine ; Restart the state machine with IPCP. :IPCP sb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we currently doing IPCP negotiation? jmp :IP ; No. Try IP ; PPP with IP is now up. DEBUGW $05,0 _bank PPPVars setb PPPFlags.linkUp setb StatusPort.LEDUp ; Light up the link up LED. nop nop clrb StatusPort.LED0 ; Turn of the negotiation LED. setb PPPFlags.inIP clrb PPPFlags.inIPCP retp ; The link is up, return successfully. :IP sb PPPFlags.inIP ; Is an IP connection open? jmp :error ; No. Report an error. cje PPPEvent,#PPP_DATA,:data ; Was the event IP data? cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RTR,:TermReq ; Was the event a terminate request? clrb z retp :data setb z retp ; Return. :TermReq mov PPPFlags,#0 ; Signal the link is down. clrb StatusPort.LEDUp clrb z retp :error setb StatusPort.LEDErr DEBUGP $11,0 jmp :error ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPInit ; ; Initialize the PPP layer. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPInit _bank PPPVars mov PPPState,#PPPStateInitial ; Reset the state machine. retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPSendConfReq ; ; Send a configure-request packet to the peer. This packet contains the LCP ; options that we wish to negotiate. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPSendConfReq _bank PPPTimer mov w,#0 mov PPPTimer1,w ; Initialise the restart timer. mov PPPTimer2,w mov PPPTimer3,w _bank PPPVars dec PPPRestartCount ; Decrement the restart count. setb PPPFlags.timerRunning ; Start the restart timer. snb PPPFlags.inLCP ; Are we in LCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPConfReqPacketLCP&255 ; Load the packet offset snb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we in IPCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPConfReqPacketIPCP&255 ; Load the packet offset jmp @PPPSendPacket ; Send the packet. ; Return directly from PPPSendPacket ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPStartIPPacket ; ; Send an IP packet header. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPStartIPPacket mov w, #_PPPIPPacket&255 ; Load the packet offset jmp @PPPSendPartialPacket ; Send the packet. ; Return directly from PPPSendPacket ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPSendTermReq ; ; Send a terminate-request packet to the peer. This packet tells the peer we ; are closing the link. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPSendTermReq snb PPPFlags.inLCP ; Are we in LCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPTermReqPacketLCP&255 ; Load the packet offset snb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we in IPCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPTermReqPacketIPCP&255 ; Load the packet offset jmp @PPPSendPacket ; Send the packet. ; Return directly from PPPSendPacket ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPSendPacket ; ; Send a canned packet. Scratch0 holds the address of the next byte. ; ; W on entry: start address of the packet to send ; W on exit : - ; Variables : Scratch0, Scratch1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPSendPacket call @PPPSendPartialPacket jmp @PPPClosePacket ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPXxFCSInit ; ; Initialize the frame check sequence. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : PPPFCSh,PPPFCSl ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPRxFCSInit mov w,#$ff ; Init FCS to $FFFF mov PPPRxFCSh,w mov PPPRxFCSl,w retp _PPPTxFCSInit mov w,#$ff ; Init FCS to $FFFF mov PPPTxFCSh,w mov PPPTxFCSl,w retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPCheckFCS ; ; Check that the FCS for a PPP frame is valid. The two FCS bytes must be the ; next bytes to be received. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : z is set to 1 if the frame is valid, 0 otherwise. ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPCheckFCS call @PhyRxByte ; Receive the FCS. call @PhyRxByte _bank PPPVars cse PPPRxFCSh,#PPPRxFCSh ; Test the upper byte. jmp :invalid cse PPPRxFCSl,#PPPRxFCSl ; Test the lower byte. jmp :invalid setb z retp :invalid clrb z retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPFCSData ; ; Accumulate a byte for the FCS. The FCS is computed a byte at a time as the ; data is transmitted. ; ; W is preserved by this routine. ; ; W on entry: data byte ; W on exit : data byte ; Variables : Scratch1,PPPFCSl,PPPFCSh,PPPFCSA ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPTxFCSData _bank PPPVars mov Scratch1,w ;Save W xor PPPTxFCSl,w ;FCSl[=X] = FCSl xor w mov w,<>PPPTxFCSl ;w = FCSl[32107654] and w,#%11110000 ;w = FCSl[3210oooo] xor PPPTxFCSl,w ;FCSl = FCSl xor (FCSl shl 4) ;Calculate A = FCSh mov w,<>PPPTxFCSl ;w = FCSl[32107654] mov PPPFCSA,w ;A = FCSl[32107654] mov w,>>PPPFCSA ;w = FCSl[x3210765] and w,#%00000111 ;w = FCSl[ooooo765] xor w,PPPTxFCSl ;w = FCSl xor (FCSl shr 5) mov PPPFCSA,w ;store w into A = new FCSh value ;Calculate new FCSl value rl PPPTxFCSl rl PPPTxFCSl mov w,<<PPPTxFCSl ;w = FCSl[43210xxx] and w,#%11111000 ;w = FCSl[43210ooo] xor w,PPPTxFCSh ;w = (FCSl shl 3) xor FCSh mov PPPTxFCSl,w ;Store w into FCSl mov w,<>PPPFCSA ;w = A[32107654] and w,#%00001111 ;w = A[oooo7654] xor PPPTxFCSl,w ;FCSl = (FCSl shl 3) xor FCSh xor (A shr 4) ;Store new FCSh value mov w,PPPFCSA ;A holds FCSh value mov PPPTxFCSh,w ;Store A in FCSh mov w,Scratch1 retp _PPPRxFCSData mov Scratch1,w ;Save w. ; DEBUGW $70,indent mov w,Scratch1 ;Restore w _bank PPPVars xor PPPRxFCSl,w ;FCSl[=X] = FCSl xor w mov w,<>PPPRxFCSl ;w = FCSl[32107654] and w,#%11110000 ;w = FCSl[3210oooo] xor PPPRxFCSl,w ;FCSl = FCSl xor (FCSl shl 4) ;Calculate A = FCSh mov w,<>PPPRxFCSl ;w = FCSl[32107654] mov PPPFCSA,w ;A = FCSl[32107654] mov w,>>PPPFCSA ;w = FCSl[x3210765] and w,#%00000111 ;w = FCSl[ooooo765] xor w,PPPRxFCSl ;w = FCSl xor (FCSl shr 5) mov PPPFCSA,w ;store w into A = new FCSh value ;Calculate new FCSl value rl PPPRxFCSl rl PPPRxFCSl mov w,<<PPPRxFCSl ;w = FCSl[43210xxx] and w,#%11111000 ;w = FCSl[43210ooo] xor w,PPPRxFCSh ;w = (FCSl shl 3) xor FCSh mov PPPRxFCSl,w ;Store w into FCSl mov w,<>PPPFCSA ;w = A[32107654] and w,#%00001111 ;w = A[oooo7654] xor PPPRxFCSl,w ;FCSl = (FCSl shl 3) xor FCSh xor (A shr 4) ;Store new FCSh value mov w,PPPFCSA ;A holds FCSh value mov PPPRxFCSh,w ;Store A in FCSh mov w,Scratch1 ;Restore w retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Canned PPP packets. The packet is terminated with a word with $f in the high nibble. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPCannedPackets = $ _PPPConfReqPacketLCP dw $FF, $03, $C0, $21, $01, $01, $00, $04 + $f00 _PPPCodeRejPacketLCP dw $FF, $03, $C0, $21, $07, $01 + $f00 _PPPConfRejPacketLCP dw $FF, $03, $C0, $21, $04 + $f00 _PPPConfAckPacketLCP dw $FF, $03, $C0, $21, $02 + $f00 _PPPTermReqPacketLCP dw $FF, $03, $C0, $21, $05, $01, $00, $04 + $f00 _PPPConfReqPacketIPCP dw $FF, $03, $80, $21, $01, $01, $00, $0A, $03, $06, IPAddress1, IPAddress2, IPAddress3, IPAddress4 + $f00 _PPPCodeRejPacketIPCP dw $FF, $03, $80, $21, $07, $01 + $f00 _PPPConfRejPacketIPCP dw $FF, $03, $80, $21, $04 + $f00 _PPPConfAckPacketIPCP dw $FF, $03, $80, $21, $02 + $f00 _PPPTermReqPacketIPCP dw $FF, $03, $80, $21, $05, $01, $00, $04 + $f00 _PPPIPPacket dw $FF, $03, $00, $21 + $f00 IFDEF POP3DEMO _POP3CannedPackets = $ _POP3USER dw 'USER eSX',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _POP3PASS dw 'PASS eSX',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _POP3STAT dw 'STAT',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 ; the zero is added in the following 2 canned messages so that the AppBytesToSend routine has the correct count _POP3RETR dw 'RETR ',0,0,0,CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _POP3DELE dw 'DELE ',0,0,0,CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _POP3QUIT dw 'QUIT',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _POP3NONE dw $f00 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPReceive ; ; Receive a packet a byte at a time using a state machine. If the received byte ; indicates an event then PPPEvent is set. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : Received byte (when receiving data). ; Variables : SCRATCH0,PPPRxState,PPPEvent ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $200 _PPPReceive _bank serial sb flags.rx_over jmp :go DEBUGP $13,0 ; UART buffer overflow. _bank PPPVars clrb flags.rx_over :go call @PhyRxByte ; Receive a byte. mov Scratch0,w ; Save the byte. DEBUGW $03,1 _bank PPPVars mov w,PPPRxState ; Load the receiver state. DEBUGW $07,1 _bank PPPVars jmp @:tableStart ; The jump table must not cross a 256-word boundary. :tableStart jmp PC+W ; Jump into the table. jmp :Flag jmp :Address jmp :Control jmp :Proto1 jmp :Proto2 jmp :LCPCode jmp :LCPID jmp :LCPLen1 jmp :LCPLen2 jmp :Data jmp :FCS1 jmp :FCS2 :Flag cse SCRATCH0,#PPPFlag ; We expect the flag retp ; Didn't get it mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateAddress; Goto the next state. call @PPPRxFCSInit ; Initialize the FCS. DEBUGP $0C,0 _bank PPPVars retp :Address cje SCRATCH0,#PPPAddress,:GotAddress ; We expect the address cje SCRATCH0,#PPPFlag,:GotFlag ; Did we get a flag? jmp :resetRx ; Didn't get it :GotAddress mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateControl ; Goto the next state. :GotFlag ; Stay in this state. retp :Control cse SCRATCH0,#PPPControl ; We expect the address jmp :resetRx ; Didn't get it mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateProto1 ; Goto the next state. retp :Proto1 mov PPPProto1,SCRATCH0 ; Save the first byte of the protocol. mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateProto2 retp :Proto2 cje PPPProto1,#PPPLCPPrefix,:ProtoLCPPrefix cje PPPProto1,#PPPIPCPPrefix,:ProtoIPCPPrefix cje PPPProto1,#PPPIPPrefix,:ProtoIP ; Unknown protocol. mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateFlag ; Reset the receive state machine. ; Silently discard the packet. The discard is done by restarting the state machine ; and assuming it won't resynchronize until the next legitimate packet. retp :ProtoLCPPrefix cje SCRATCH0,#PPPLCP,:ProtoLCP ;cje ... ; Unknown protocol. mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateFlag ; Reset the receive state machine. ; Silently discard the packet. retp :ProtoLCP mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateLCPCode ; Goto the next state retp :ProtoIPCPPrefix cje SCRATCH0,#PPPLCP,:ProtoIPCP ;cje ... ; Unknown protocol. mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateFlag ; Reset the receive state machine. ; Silently discard the packet. retp :ProtoIPCP sb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we doing IPCP? jmp :ResetRx ; No. Discard the packet. mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateLCPCode ; Goto the next state retp :ProtoIPPrefix cje SCRATCH0,#PPPIP,:ProtoIP ; Unknown protocol. mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateFlag ; Reset the receive state machine. ; Silently discard the packet. retp :ProtoIP mov PPPEvent,#PPP_DATA mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateFlag ; Restart the recevie state machine. retp :LCPCode cje SCRATCH0,#PPPConfigureRequest,:PPPConfigureRequest cje SCRATCH0,#PPPConfigureAck,:PPPConfigureAck cje SCRATCH0,#PPPTerminateRequest,:PPPTermReq mov PPPDelayEvent,#PPP_RUC ; By default we assume it was an unknown code mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateLCPID ; Goto the next state retp :PPPConfigureRequest ; We received a configure request. Since we don't accept any options we ; need to see if any options are included. For now assume it is bad. mov PPPDelayEvent,#PPP_RCR_BAD mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateLCPID ; Goto the next state retp :PPPConfigureAck ; We received a configure acknowledge. Since we negotiate no options it ; should be empty. mov PPPDelayEvent,#PPP_RCA mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateLCPID ; Goto the next state retp :PPPTermReq mov PPPDelayEvent,#PPP_RTR mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateLCPID ; Goto the next state retp :LCPID mov PPPIdentifier,Scratch0 ; Save the identifier mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateLCPLen1 ; Goto the next state retp :LCPLen1 mov PPPLengthh,Scratch0 ; Save the length mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateLCPLen2 ; Goto the next state retp :LCPLen2 mov PPPLengthl,Scratch0 ; Save the length mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateData ; Goto the next state mov PPPEvent,PPPDelayEvent ; Now send the delayed event. cje PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_BAD,:CheckLength ; Make sure the confReq is really unacceptable retp :CheckLength cse PPPLengthl,#4 ; Is the LSB of the length 4? jmp :unacc ; No, now check if the option is really unacceptable. test PPPLengthh ; Is the MSB zero? sz retp ; No, we're done. mov PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_GOOD ; We received a length 4 confReq. It is good. retp :unacc ; The option appears unacceptable. However... we must accept the IPCP Address option ; from Windows 95 or else it complains that we can't do IP. So... sb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we doing IPCP? retp ; No, return. ; ## Assume the packet is good if we are in IPCP. IFNDEF WIN98 cse PPPLengthl,#10 ; Is the length 10? retp ; No, it can't be an address option only. ENDIF mov PPPEvent,#PPP_NONE ; Yes, Signal no event, we need to wait for the option. setb PPPFlags.addressOption ; Provisionally mark the event as good. retp :Data sb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we doing IPCP? jmp :ResetRx ; No, gobble the packet. sb PPPFlags.addressOption ; Are we processing a potential good request jmp :ResetRx ; No csne Scratch0,#PPPEscape ; Is it the escape character? retp ; Get more data. cse Scratch0,#PPPAddressOption ; Is it the address option? jmp :ResetRx ; No, discard the rest of the packet. mov PPPEvent,#PPP_RCR_GOOD ; Signal a good conf-req. retp ; All of these cause the state machine to restart and gobble data up to ; the start of the next packet. :FCS1 :FCS2 :ResetRx clrb PPPFlags.addressOption mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateFlag ; Restart the receive state machine. retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPClosePacket ; ; Close a packet by sending the FCS and flag character. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPClosePacket _bank PPPVars mov w,/PPPTxFCSl ; Send the complemented FCS LSB first. call @PhyTxByteNoFCS ; Transmit it over the physical layer. _bank PPPVars mov w,/PPPTxFCSh call @PhyTxByteNoFCS mov w,#PPPFlag ; Send the flag character call @PhyNoTransTxByte ; Transmit without transparency. _bank PPPVars retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPClose ; ; Close the open PPP connection. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPClose _bank PPPVars call @PPPSendTermReq ; Send the terminate request. clrb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Switch back to LCP mode. setb PPPFlags.inLCP call @PPPSendTermReq ; Send the terminate request. ; We don't bother waiting for a reply clrb PPPFlags.linkUp DEBUGW $06,0 retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPSendCodeReject ; ; Send a code-reject packet to the peer. The information field of the packet ; contains the received packet, starting at the information field, and not ; including the FCS. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPSendCodeRej snb PPPFlags.inLCP ; Are we in LCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPCodeRejPacketLCP&255 ; Load the packet offset snb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we in IPCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPCodeRejPacketIPCP&255 ; Load the packet offset call @PPPSendPartialPacket ; Send the first part of the packet. _bank PPPVars ; Set the bank clc mov w,#4 ; The extra header adds 4 to the length add PPPLengthl,w ; Add the length snc ; Was there a carry? inc PPPLengthh ; Yes, increment the high byte mov w,PPPLengthh ; Load the length mov w,PPPLengthh ; Load the length call @PhyTxByte mov w,PPPLengthl ; Load the length call @PhyTxByte ; Send the received packet. jmp @PPPClosePacket ; Send the FCS and flag character. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPSendConfAck ; ; Send a configure-acknowledge packet to the peer. The packet must contain ; the same identifier as the packet being acknowledged. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPSendConfAck DEBUGP $10,0 _bank PPPVars snb PPPFlags.inLCP ; Are we in LCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPConfAckPacketLCP&255 ; Load the packet offset snb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we in IPCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPConfAckPacketIPCP&255 ; Load the packet offset call @PPPSendPartialPacket _bank PPPVars ; Set the bank mov w,PPPIdentifier ; Load the ID from the received packet. call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit. _bank PPPVars mov w,PPPLengthh ; Load the length from the received packet. call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit. _bank PPPVars mov w,PPPLengthl ; Load the ID from the received packet. call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit. ; Now use the length to count in the received bytes and retransmit them. ; First subtract the header length from the length. _bank PPPVars mov w,#4-1 ; Load the header length. sub PPPLengthl,w ; Subtract from the LSB sc dec PPPLengthh mov w,#0 ; Load the MSB of the header length sub PPPLengthh,w ; Subtract the MSB ; If this is an address option then send the option. sb PPPFlags.addressOption ; Is it an address option? jmp :midloop ; No. mov w,#PPPAddressOption call @PhyTxByte ; Send it _bank PPPVars dec PPPLengthl ; Decrement the length by 1. clrb PPPFlags.addressOption ; Clear the address option flag. jmp :midloop ; Now loop for each received byte. :loop call @PhyRxByte ; Receive a byte. call @PhyTxByte ; Retransmit the byte. _bank PPPVars :midloop dec PPPLengthl ; Decrement the count. sz ; Is it zero? jmp :loop ; No, loop again. test PPPLengthh ; Is the MSB zero? snz jmp :done ; Yes, we're done. dec PPPLengthh ; No, decrement. dec PPPLengthl jmp :loop :done jmp @PPPClosePacket ; Send the FCS and close the packet. ; Return directly from PPPClosePacket ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPSendConfRej ; ; Send a configure-reject packet. The rejected options fields are copied from ; the received packet. ; ; The first portion of the packet, up to and including the Code, is canned ; and sent as a string. The identifier and length are copied from the recieved ; packet. Then the options are copied from the received packet to the new packet. ; ; The remaineder of the received packet (FCS and flag) are discarded by the ; next state. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPSendConfRej DEBUGP $0F,0 _bank PPPVars snb PPPFlags.inLCP ; Are we in LCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPConfRejPacketLCP&255 ; Load the packet offset snb PPPFlags.inIPCP ; Are we in IPCP negotiation? mov w, #_PPPConfRejPacketIPCP&255 ; Load the packet offset call @PPPSendPartialPacket ; Send the first part of the packet. _bank PPPVars ; Set the bank mov w,PPPIdentifier ; Load the ID from the received packet. call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit. _bank PPPVars mov w,PPPLengthh ; Load the length from the received packet. call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit. _bank PPPVars mov w,PPPLengthl ; Load the ID from the received packet. call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit. ; Now use the length to count in the received bytes and retransmit them. ; First subtract the header length from the length. _bank PPPVars mov w,#4 ; Load the header length minus 1. sub PPPLengthl,w ; Subtract from the LSB sc dec PPPLengthh mov w,#0 ; Load the MSB of the header length sub PPPLengthh,w ; Subtract the MSB ; Now loop for each received byte. :loop call @PhyRxByte ; Receive a byte. call @PhyTxByte ; Retransmit the byte. _bank PPPVars dec PPPLengthl ; Decrement the count. sz ; Is it zero? jmp :loop ; No, loop again. test PPPLengthh ; Is the MSB zero? snz jmp :done ; Yes, we're done. dec PPPLengthh ; No, decrement. dec PPPLengthl jmp :loop :done jmp @PPPClosePacket ; Send the FCS and flag character. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PPPSendPartialPacket ; ; Send a canned packet without adding the frame check sequence. ; ; W on entry: start address of the packet to send ; W on exit : - ; Variables : Scratch0, Scratch1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PPPSendPartialPacket mov Scratch0,w ; Save the start address. DEBUGW $08,0 mov w,#PPPFlag ; Send the start flag call @PhyNoTransTxByte ; Transmit without transparency. _bank PPPVars call @PPPTxFCSInit ; Initialize the FCS mov w,#0 mov m,w :loop mov m, #(_PPPCannedPackets>>8) ; Load the mode register. mov w,Scratch0 ; Load the pointer iread ; Read the next byte. _bank PPPVars call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit it over the physical layer. _bank PPPVars mov w,m ; Load the mode register. test w sz ; If it is not zero then exit. jmp :done ; We're done transmitting. inc Scratch0 ; Increment the pointer jmp :loop :done retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: ModemConnect ; ; Pretend that we are a modem so that Windows 95 Dialup Networking will talk to ; us. The strategy is simple: ; ; while there is input ; if it starts with ATDT ; send CONNECT ; exit. PPP layer can start ; else ; send OK ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ; Bank on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; org $f00 _ModemConnect call @GetByte ; Load the first byte to prime the pump. mov Scratch0,w ; Save the first byte. jmp :loop :ok mov w,#'O' ; Send OK. call @SendByte mov w,#'K' call @SendByte mov w,#13 ; Send a carriage return call @SendByte :loop mov Scratch1,Scratch0 ; Shift the bytes. call @GetByte mov Scratch0,w ; Save the second byte. cjne Scratch1,#'A',:loop ; Did we get an 'A'? cjne Scratch0,#'T',:loop ; Was it followed by a 'T'? call @GetByte ; Get another byte mov Scratch0,w cjne Scratch0,#'D',:ok ; Did we get a 'D'? call @GetByte ; Get another byte mov Scratch0,w cjne Scratch0,#'T',:ok ; Did we get a 'T'? mov w,#'C' ; Send CONNECT. call @SendByte mov w,#'O' call @SendByte mov w,#'N' call @SendByte mov w,#'N' call @SendByte mov w,#'E' call @SendByte mov w,#'C' call @SendByte mov w,#'T' call @SendByte mov w,#13 ; Send a carriage return call @SendByte retp IFDEF POP3DEMO ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppInit ; ; Called once at startup to allow the application to initialise itself. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppInit mov w,#'I' POP3W _bank POP3Vars mov POP3State,#POP3StateClosed ; Start in the closed state. clr POP3TxMsgNo clr POP3MsgEndFlag clr POP3MsgSubSt ;start of Msg sub state clr POP3MsgSubStLast clr POP3RxCount clr POP3TxCount mov POP3TxPointer,#_POP3NONE clr POP3EOL _bank IPVars mov IPDestAddress1,#POP3Address1 ; POP3 server IP address. mov IPDestAddress2,#POP3Address2 mov IPDestAddress3,#POP3Address3 mov IPDestAddress4,#POP3Address4 ; Randomly choose our own port. _bank PPPTimer mov w,PPPTimer2 ; Base it on a timer. _bank TCB mov TCPLocalPortl,w mov TCPLocalPorth,#$36 mov TCPRemotePorth,#POP3Porth ; Set the port to connect to. mov TCPRemotePortl,#POP3Portl jmp @_TCPActiveOpen ; Connect to the remote TCP. ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; IP subroutines ;=============================================================================== org $400 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: IPStartPacket ; ; Start transmitting an IP packet. First a physical layer header is transmitted ; followed by the IP header. Information about the packet destination and length ; is read from the IPVars bank variables. ; ; Comments on the IP header checksum: ; ; The checksum is computed over the header fields only and is the 16 bit ; complement of the 16 bit ones complement sum. The checksum field is set to ; zero to compute the checksum. To simplify the checksum calculation all fields ; that are known a priori are calculated below: ; ; Version/IHL/TOS 4500 ; Total length ? ; ID ? ; Flags/Fragment offset 0000 ; TTL/Protocol ? ; Checksum 0000 ; Source Address IPAddress1<<8 | IPAddress2 ; Source Address IPAddress3<<8 | IPAddress4 ; Dest Address ? ; ; ip_cs1 = $4500 + (IPAddress1<<8 | IPAddress2) + (IPAddress3<<8 | IPAddress4) if ip_cs1 > $10000 ip_cs2 = ip_cs1 + 1 - $10000 else ip_cs2 = ip_cs1 endif ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _IPStartPacket call @PPPStartIPPacket ; Send a PPP IP packet header. _bank IPVars mov IPChecksumMSB,#(ip_cs2>>8)&$00ff ; Initialize the checksum. mov IPChecksumLSB,#ip_cs2&$00ff ; Increase the length by the header length. add IPLengthLSB,#(IPIHL<<2) ; Add the header length times 4. snc inc IPLengthMSB ; Compute the checksum clrb IPFlags.checksumBit mov w,IPLengthMSB call @IPChecksum mov w,IPLengthLSB call @IPChecksum mov w,#0 call @IPChecksum mov w,IPIDCounter call @IPChecksum mov w,#IPTTL call @IPChecksum mov w,IPProtocol call @IPChecksum mov w,IPDestAddress1 call @IPChecksum mov w,IPDestAddress2 call @IPChecksum mov w,IPDestAddress3 call @IPChecksum mov w,IPDestAddress4 call @IPChecksum not IPChecksumMSB not IPChecksumLSB mov w,#IPVIHL call @PhyTxByte mov w,#IPTOS call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPLengthMSB ; Send the MSB of the length call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPLengthLSB ; Send the LSB of the length call @PhyTxByte mov w,#$00 ; The identifier. call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPIDCounter ; Load the counter before incrementing. inc IPIDCounter ; Increment the counter. call @PhyTxByte mov w,#IPFrag1 call @PhyTxByte mov w,#IPFrag2 call @PhyTxByte mov w,#IPTTL call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPProtocol call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPChecksumMSB call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPChecksumLSB call @PhyTxByte mov w,#IPAddress1 call @PhyTxByte mov w,#IPAddress2 call @PhyTxByte mov w,#IPAddress3 call @PhyTxByte mov w,#IPAddress4 call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPDestAddress1 call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPDestAddress2 call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPDestAddress3 call @PhyTxByte _bank IPVars mov w,IPDestAddress4 call @PhyTxByte ; There are no options. retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: IPChecksum ; ; Accumulate the IP checksum. ; ; W on entry: The value of the byte to accumulate. ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _IPChecksum _bank IPVars sb IPFlags.checksumBit ; Are we processing an MSB? jmp :MSB ; Yes add IPChecksumLSB,w ; Add it to the checksum sc ; Was there a carry? jmp :done inc IPChecksumMSB ; Yes snz inc IPChecksumLSB jmp :done :MSB add IPChecksumMSB,w ; Add it to the checksum sc ; Was there a carry? jmp :done inc IPChecksumLSB ; Yes. This time it is added to the LSB. snz inc IPChecksumMSB :done xor IPFlags,#(1<<checksumBit) ; Flip the checksum bit. retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: IPRxHeader ; ; Receive an IP packet header. If the header is not valid then the Z flag is set. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : Z is set to 1 if the packet is invalid, 0 otherwise. ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _IPRxHeader _bank IPVars call @PhyRxByte ; Receive a byte. xor w,#((IPVersion<<4)|IPIHL) ; We only accept packets with a HL of 5. sz jmp :Invalid call @PhyRxByte ; Ignore the type of service call @PhyRxByte mov IPRxLengthMSB,w ; Save the packet length. call @PhyRxByte mov IPRxLengthLSB,w ; Save the packet length. call @PhyRxByte ; Ignore the ID. call @PhyRxByte call @PhyRxByte and w,#$20 ; Are any fragment bits set? sz jmp :Invalid ; Yes, discard the packet. call @PhyRxByte test w ; Is the fragment offset set? sz jmp :Invalid ; Yes, discard the packet. call @PhyRxByte ; Ignore the TTL. call @PhyRxByte ; Receive the protocol. _bank IPVars mov SCRATCH0,w csne SCRATCH0,#IPProtocolICMP setb IPFlags.ICMPPacket csne SCRATCH0,#IPProtocolTCP setb IPFlags.TCPPacket csne SCRATCH0,#IPProtocolUDP setb IPFlags.UDPPacket call @PhyRxByte ; Live dangerously, Ignore the header checksum. call @PhyRxByte IFDEF TCP ; If a TCP connection is open then drop packets from any other IP address. _bank TCPVars cse TCPState,#TCPStateEstablished jmp :notTCP :inTCP _bank IPVars call @PhyRxByte xor w,IPSrcAddress1 ; Verify that the source address is the same as the existing. sz jmp :Invalid call @PhyRxByte xor w,IPSrcAddress2 sz jmp :Invalid call @PhyRxByte xor w,IPSrcAddress3 sz jmp :Invalid call @PhyRxByte xor w,IPSrcAddress4 sz jmp :Invalid jmp :ipAddressOK ENDIF :notTCP _bank IPVars call @PhyRxByte mov IPSrcAddress1,w ; Save the source address. call @PhyRxByte mov IPSrcAddress2,w ; Save the source address. call @PhyRxByte mov IPSrcAddress3,w ; Save the source address. call @PhyRxByte mov IPSrcAddress4,w ; Save the source address. :ipAddressOK call @PhyRxByte xor w,#IPAddress1 ; Verify that the packet is for us. sz jmp :Invalid call @PhyRxByte xor w,#IPAddress2 ; Verify that the packet is for us. sz jmp :Invalid call @PhyRxByte xor w,#IPAddress3 ; Verify that the packet is for us. sz jmp :Invalid call @PhyRxByte xor w,#IPAddress4 ; Verify that the packet is for us. sz jmp :Invalid sub IPRxLengthLSB,#(IPIHL<<2) ; Subtract the IP header length. sc dec IPRxLengthMSB ; That's the whole header. _bank IPVars setb IPFlags.anyPacket clrb z retp ; Return successful. :Invalid setb z retp ; Return unsuccessful. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: IPReceivePacket ; ; Receive the next IP packet. This routine DOES NOT block if there is no packet ; to receive. Bits are set in IPFlags acording to the packet type received. ; The following actions are taken: ; ; 1. ICMP echo packet - send response, set echo flag (just for info purposes). ; 2. UDP - receive UDP header, set UDP flag. ; 3. Any other packet type - set Unknown flag. ; ; If the received packet is a UDP packet then the application can call IPRxData ; to receive the packet contents. ; ; After the packet has been processed by the application it should call IPCleanUp ; to ensure that any of the incoming data not used by the application is read from ; the physical layer. ; ; !!!! Actually this routine might block if an LCP packet is being received and ; it is not followed by an IP packet. !!!! ; ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _IPReceivePacket _bank IPVars clr IPFlags ; Initialise the flags. call @PhyRxTest ; Test if there is a byte in the physical layer. sz ; Is a byte waiting? retp ; No, return. call @PPPRxData ; Read the PPP header. sz ; Was IP data received. retp ; No, just return. call @IPRxHeader ; Receive the IP header. _bank IPVars snb IPFlags.ICMPPacket ; Is it an ICMP packet? jmp :ICMP ; No, return. sz ; Is the packet valid? retp ; Yes. Return. jmp _IPRxClosePacket ; No, Gobble it up. Yum, yum. :ICMP ; Check if it is an echo request. call @PhyRxByte xor w,#ICMPEchoRequest sz ; Is it an echo request? jmp _IPRxClosePacket ; No, gobble the packet. ; Send the ICMP echo reply packet. call @PhyRxByte ; Ignore the Code field. _bank IPVars mov IPLengthMSB,IPRxLengthMSB mov IPLengthLSB,IPRxLengthLSB ; Set the length to the received length. mov IPProtocol,#IPProtocolICMP ; Set the protocol type to ICMP. mov IPDestAddress1,IPSrcAddress1 ; Copy the address. mov IPDestAddress2,IPSrcAddress2 ; !!!! This will only work if mov IPDestAddress3,IPSrcAddress3 ; IPRxVars and IPVars are in the mov IPDestAddress4,IPSrcAddress4 ; same bank !!!! call @IPStartPacket ; Send the IP packet header. mov w,#ICMPEchoReply ; Send the ICMP type. call @IPTxData mov w,#0 ; Send the code. call @IPTxData call @PhyRxByte ; Load the checksum. mov IPChecksumMSB,w call @PhyRxByte mov IPChecksumLSB,w add IPChecksumMSB,#8 snc inc IPChecksumLSB mov w,IPChecksumMSB call @PhyTxByte mov w,IPChecksumLSB call @PhyTxByte call @PhyRxByte call @PhyTxByte ; Send identifier. call @PhyRxByte call @PhyTxByte call @PhyRxByte call @PhyTxByte ; Send sequence number. call @PhyRxByte call @PhyTxByte ; Send the data from the echo request. sub IPLengthLSB,#(IPIHL<<2) + ICMPEchoHL :data call @PhyRxByte call @PhyTxByte decsz IPLengthLSB jmp :data call @PPPClosePacket ; Close the echo reply packet. _bank IPVars setb IPFlags.echoPacket retp _IPRxClosePacket ; Ignore a packet by receiving everything up to the closing flag. _bank IPVars ; Reset the flags. clr IPFlags DEBUGP $09,0 :loop call @PhyRxByte DEBUGW $03,1 xor w,#PPPFlag sz jmp :loop ; Since we just consumed a flag, move to the next PPP state to avoid missing ; the next packet. _bank PPPVars mov PPPRxState,#PPPStateAddress call @PPPRxFCSInit ; Initialize the FCS. retp IFDEF UDP ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: UDPStartPacket ; ; Transmit an IP header followed by a UDP header. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _UDPStartPacket _bank IPVars add IPLengthLSB,#UDPHLength ; Increment the length by the UDP header size. snc inc IPLengthMSB mov IPProtocol,#IPProtocolUDP ; Set the protocol type to UDP. mov Scratch0,IPLengthMSB mov w,IPLengthLSB _bank UDPVars mov UDPLengthLSB,w ; Save the length for later. mov UDPLengthMSB,Scratch0 call @IPStartPacket _bank UDPVars mov w,UDPSrcPorth ; Load the source port. call @PhyTxByte mov w,UDPSrcPortl call @PhyTxByte mov w,UDPDestPorth ; Load the destination port. call @PhyTxByte mov w,UDPDestPortl call @PhyTxByte mov w,UDPLengthMSB ; Reload the saved lengh. call @PhyTxByte mov w,UDPLengthLSB ; Reload the saved lengh. call @PhyTxByte mov w,#0 ; Send zero for the checksum call @PhyTxByte mov w,#0 call @PhyTxByte retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: UDPRxHeader ; ; Receive a UDP header. To make it easy to reply to a packet the source ; port of the received packet is copied into UDPDestPort and the destination ; port is copied into UDPSrcPort. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _UDPRxHeader call @PhyRxByte ; Get the source port. _bank UDPVars mov UDPDestPorth,w call @PhyRxByte mov UDPDestPortl,w call @PhyRxByte ; Get the destination port. mov UDPSrcPorth,w call @PhyRxByte mov UDPSrcPortl,w call @PhyRxByte ; Ignore the high byte of the length. call @PhyRxByte ; Get the low byte of the length. mov UDPRxLength,w sub UDPRxLength,#UDPHLength ; Subtract the length of the header. call @PhyRxByte ; Ignore the checksum. call @PhyRxByte retp ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; TCP subroutines ;=============================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TCP helper macros. ; ; Macros to assist with manipulation and comparison of 32 bit values. ; Made more complex by the fact that values might be in different banks. ; ; Specify the LSB of each argument. ; Must be in the bank of A on entry. ; Bank might be changed on exit. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; A == B ; A <= B ; A + constant ; A = B ; Compare32 A,B (returns with z bit set if A==B) TCPCompare32 MACRO 2 ; SXKEY_CHANGE : Change the '==' in the next line to '=' IF \1>>4 == \2>>4 ; Are they in the same bank? mov w,\1 xor w,\2 sz jmp :cdone mov w,\1-1 xor w,\2-1 sz jmp :cdone mov w,\1-2 xor w,\2-2 sz jmp :cdone mov w,\1-3 xor w,\2-3 ELSE mov w,\1 ; _bank \2 bank \2 IFDEF SX48_52 IFDEF SX48_52_ES IF \2 & %00010000 ;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction setb fsr.4 ;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software. ENDIF ELSE IF \2 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software. ELSE clrb fsr.7 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF xor w,\2 sz jmp :cdone ; _bank \1 bank \1 IFDEF SX48_52 IFDEF SX48_52_ES IF \1 & %00010000 ;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction setb fsr.4 ;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software. ENDIF ELSE IF \1 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software. ELSE clrb fsr.7 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF mov w,\1-1 ; _bank \2 bank \2 IFDEF SX48_52 IFDEF SX48_52_ES IF \2 & %00010000 ;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction setb fsr.4 ;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software. ENDIF ELSE IF \2 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software. ELSE clrb fsr.7 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF xor w,\2-1 sz jmp :cdone ; _bank \1 bank \1 IFDEF SX48_52 IFDEF SX48_52_ES IF \1 & %00010000 ;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction setb fsr.4 ;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software. ENDIF ELSE IF \1 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software. ELSE clrb fsr.7 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF mov w,\1-2 ; _bank \2 bank \2 IFDEF SX48_52 IFDEF SX48_52_ES IF \2 & %00010000 ;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction setb fsr.4 ;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software. ENDIF ELSE IF \2 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software. ELSE clrb fsr.7 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF xor w,\2-2 sz jmp :cdone ; _bank \1 bank \1 IFDEF SX48_52 IFDEF SX48_52_ES IF \1 & %00010000 ;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction setb fsr.4 ;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software. ENDIF ELSE IF \1 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software. ELSE clrb fsr.7 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF mov w,\1-3 ; _bank \2 bank \2 IFDEF SX48_52 IFDEF SX48_52_ES IF \2 & %00010000 ;SX48BD/ES and SX52BD/ES (engineering sample) bank instruction setb fsr.4 ;modifies FSR bits 5,6 and 7. FSR.4 needs to be set by software. ENDIF ELSE IF \2 & %10000000 ;SX48BD and SX52BD (production release) bank instruction setb fsr.7 ;modifies FSR bits 4,5 and 6. FSR.7 needs to be set by software. ELSE clrb fsr.7 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF xor w,\2-3 ENDIF :cdone ENDM IFDEF TCP ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPPassiveOpen ; ; Do a passive open. I.e. listen for connections on a given port. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPPassiveOpen _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateListen clr TCPOutstanding retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPActiveOpen ; ; Do a active open. I.e. initiate a connect to a remote TCP. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPActiveOpen _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,#(1<<TCPFlagSYN) ; Make a SYN packet. call @TCPSendSyn _bank TCPVars clr TCPOutstanding mov TCPState,#TCPStateSynSent retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPClose ; ; Force the current connection to close. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPClose _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateFinWait1 clr TCPOutstanding _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,#(1<<TCPFlagFIN)|(1<<TCPFlagACK) ; A FIN packet. call @TCPSendEmptyHeader ; Send the header. call @PPPClosePacket ; Close the packet. retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPRxHeader ; ; Receive a TCP header. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : Z is set to 1 if the packet is invalid, 0 otherwise. ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $600 _TCPRxHeader ; Check port and refuse packet if not for current connection. DEBUGP $02,top ; TCP receive. _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPState DEBUGW $14,top ; TCP state. _bank TCPVars cjne TCPState,#TCPStateListen,:CheckSrc :readSrc ; Read the source port. _bank TCB call @PhyRxByte ; Get the source port. mov TCPRemotePorth,w call @PhyRxByte mov TCPRemotePortl,w jmp :checkDest :checkSrc ; Check the source port is for the current connection. _bank TCB call @PhyRxByte xor w,TCPRemotePorth sz ; Is the high byte the same? jmp :ignorePacket ; No, ignore the packet. call @PhyRxByte ; Get the low byte. xor w,TCPRemotePortl sz ; Is the low byte the same? jmp :ignorePacket ; No, ignore the packet. :checkDest call @PhyRxByte ; Check the destination port matches our port. xor w,TCPLocalPorth sz ; Is the high byte the same? jmp :ignorePacket ; No, ignore the packet. call @PhyRxByte ; Get the low byte. xor w,TCPLocalPortl sz ; Is the low byte the same? jmp :ignorePacket ; No, ignore the packet. _bank TCPVars call @PhyRxByte ; Receive the sequence number mov TCPTMP_SEQ4,w ; Save the sequence number in the TMP variable. call @PhyRxByte mov TCPTMP_SEQ3,w call @PhyRxByte mov TCPTMP_SEQ2,w call @PhyRxByte mov TCPTMP_SEQ1,w call @PhyRxByte ; Receive the acknowledgement mov TCPTMP_ACK4,w call @PhyRxByte mov TCPTMP_ACK3,w call @PhyRxByte mov TCPTMP_ACK2,w call @PhyRxByte mov TCPTMP_ACK1,w call @PhyRxByte ; Receive the data offset. Used to skip the options. and w,#TCPOffsetMask ; Mask out the offset. _bank TCB mov TCPOffset,w clc rr TCPOffset ; Shift right to get the number of bytes. rr TCPOffset mov w,TCPOffset _bank IPVars ; Decrease the total packet length sub IPRxLengthLSB,w sc dec IPRxLengthMSB _bank TCB sub TCPOffset,#(TCPHeaderLength<<2)-4 ; Subtract the standard header length (less the checksum and URG pointer.) call @PhyRxByte ; Receive the flags. DEBUGW $15,indent _bank TCPVars mov TCPRxFlags,w ; Take a copy of the flags. _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,w call @PhyRxByte mov TCP_WND_MSB,w ; Receive the window. call @PhyRxByte mov TCP_WND_LSB,w ; Skip over the options. :optionLoop call @PhyRxByte decsz TCPOffset jmp :optionLoop clz retp :ignorePacket ; Ignore the rest of the packet. DEBUGP $16,1 call @IPRxClosePacket ; ## Need to send a reset in response to this packet. ; ## Unfortunately sending a packet would overwrite the TCB. ; ## Need to create a second TCB? setb z retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPSendEmptyHeader,TCPSendHeader ; ; Send a TCP Header. Send empty header puts the checksum in the header so that ; a packet doesn't need to contain any data for a stuffed packet. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPSendEmptyHeader _bank IPVars clr IPLengthMSB clr IPLengthLSB clr TCPChecksumLSB clr TCPChecksumMSB clrb IPFlags.checksumBit ; Indicate next checksum bit is an MSB. _TCPSendHeader _bank TCB mov TCPOffset,#(TCPHeaderLength<<4) mov TCP_WND_MSB,#(TCPWindow&$ff00)>>8 mov TCP_WND_LSB,#(TCPWindow&$00ff) _bank IPVars clrb IPFlags.checksumBit ; Indicate next checksum bit is an MSB. add IPLengthLSB,#(TCPHeaderLength<<2) ; Add in the length of a TCP header. snc inc IPLengthMSB mov IPProtocol,#IPProtocolTCP ; Set the protocol type to TCP. call @TCPInitChecksum call @IPStartPacket ; Send the IP header. mov Scratch0,#TCB ; Send the TCB fields. :loop mov FSR,Scratch0 mov w,INDF ; Load the value. call @TCPTxByte ; Transmit inc Scratch0 cse Scratch0,#TCBEnd ; Is the loop finished. jmp :loop _bank IPVars mov w,TCPChecksumMSB not w call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit the MSB of the checksum. mov w,TCPChecksumLSB not w call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit the LSB of the checksum. mov w,#0 call @PhyTxByte ; Transmit the urgent pointer. mov w,#0 call @PhyTxByte retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPClosePacket ; ; Send the TCP checksum byte stuff and close the PPP packet. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPClosePacket = _PPPClosePacket ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPProcessPacket ; ; Process a received TCP packet. This function implements the TCP state machine. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPProcessPacket call @TCPRxHeader ; Receive the header. snz ; Is the packet OK? retp ; No, return. _bank TCPVars cje TCPState,#TCPStateClosed,:CLOSED ; Check the special states. cje TCPState,#TCPStateListen,:LISTEN cje TCPState,#TCPStateSynSent,:SYNSENT cje TCPState,#TCPStateFinWait1,:FINWAIT1 cje TCPState,#TCPStateFinWait2,:FINWAIT2 cje TCPState,#TCPStateLastAck,:LASTACK ; Otherwise... setb StatusPort.LED1 TCPCompare32 TCPTMP_SEQ1,TCPRCV_NXT1 ; Check that RCV.NXT == SEG.SEQ sz ; Are they equal? jmp @_TCPSendAck ; No, Send an ACK and drop packet. _bank TCB ; check the flags. snb TCPFlags.TCPFlagRST ; Is the reset flag set? jmp :gotoClosed ; Yes. Drop packet and close the connection. snb TCPFlags.TCPFlagSYN ; Is the SYN bit set? jmp @_TCPSendReset ; Yes. Drop the packet and send a reset. sb TCPFlags.TCPFlagACK ; Is the ACK bit set? jmp @_IPRxClosePacket ; No. Drop the packet. ; We only accept ACKs of complete packets. Assume the ACK is for our last packet. _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateEstablished ; Switch to the established state. ; ## If we were in Syn-receieved then need to send an Ack. test TCPOutstanding snz jmp :noneOutstanding call @AppAck ; Tell the application it was ACKed. _bank TCPVars clr TCPOutstanding ; There should be no data outstanding now. :noneOutstanding ; Check that the length is less than the window. ; We always advertise a window < 256 _bank IPVars test IPRxLengthMSB snz jmp :winOK ; DEBUGP $1D,top jmp @_TCPSendAck ; Window > 256 :winOK ; Does the packet contain data? (Determine this from the length.) _bank IPVars mov IPRxLengthMSB,IPRxLengthLSB ; Save the length. test IPRxLengthLSB snz jmp :noData mov w,IPRxLengthLSB call @AppBytesAvailable ; DEBUGP $1A,top ; Report payload start. :processData call @PhyRxByte ; Receive a byte. ; DEBUGW $19,indent ; Report that byte received. call @AppRxByte ; Process the byte. _bank IPVars ; Check whether to loop again. decsz IPRxLengthLSB jmp :processData inc IPRxLengthLSB :dataDone ; DEBUGP $1B,top ; Report payload end. :noData ; ## Check the PPP FCS ; call @PPPCheckFCS ; sz ; Is the FCS OK? ; jmp :badFCS ; No. Send a debug message. call @TCPAckUpdate ; Send an ACK packet. _bank IPVars test IPRxLengthLSB ; Was Data received? snz jmp :checkFIN ; No. It was an Ack packet. Just return. call @AppPacketOK ; Indicate the packet was OK to the application. _bank TCB mov w,TCPFlags DEBUGW $15,top ; TCP flags. _bank TCPVars snb TCPRxFlags.TCPFlagFIN ; Is the FIN bit set? jmp :doClose ; Yes. Close the connection. jmp @_TCPSendAck :checkFIN _bank TCPVars sb TCPRxFlags.TCPFlagFIN ; Is the FIN bit set? retp ; No, just return. :doClose DEBUGP $28,top mov w,#1 ; Ack the fin. call @TCPAddRCV_NXT _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateLastAck ; Change state. jmp @_TCPSendFin :badFCS call @AppPacketBad DEBUGP $18,top jmp @_IPRxClosePacket ; Don't acknowledge the packet. :gotoClosed DEBUGP $1C,top _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateClosed ; Go to the closed state. jmp @_IPRxClosePacket ; Ignore the incoming packet. :FINWAIT1 _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateFinWait2 ; Continue closing. retp :FINWAIT2 _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateClosed ; Go to the closed state. mov w,#1 call @TCPAddRCV_NXT ; ACK the FIN. jmp @_TCPSendAck :LASTACK ; Ignore the packet ; ## Should check the packet is actually an ACK. mov TCPState,#TCPStateClosed ; Go to the closed state. retp :CLOSED jmp @_TCPSendReset ; We shouldn't receive packets while closed. :LISTEN call @IPRxClosePacket ; Ignore the rest of the incoming packet. _bank TCB snb TCPFlags.TCPFlagRST ; Check for an RST retp ; Ignore a packet with RST. snb TCPFlags.TCPFlagACK ; Check for an ACK jmp @_TCPSendReset ; Bad ACK, send a RST. _bank TCPVars ; Make RCV.NXT = SEG.SEQ+1 mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ4 _bank TCB mov TCPRCV_NXT4,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ3 _bank TCB mov TCPRCV_NXT3,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ2 _bank TCB mov TCPRCV_NXT2,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ1 _bank TCB mov TCPRCV_NXT1,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ3 ; Initialise the initial segment sequence #. call @TCPSendSynAck _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateSynReceived ; Change state. retp :SYNSENT ; Is the packet an Ack? _bank TCB sb TCPFlags.TCPFlagACK ; Is the ACK bit set? jmp :noAck snb TCPFlags.TCPFlagRST ; Is the reset bit set? jmp :reset sb TCPFlags.TCPFlagSYN ; Is the SYN bit set? jmp :noAck ; No, Ignore the rest of the incoming packet. ; ## Check that SND.UNA <= SEG.ACK <= SND.NXT DEBUGP $20,top _bank TCPVars mov TCPState,#TCPStateEstablished ; The connection is now estabished. _bank IPVars clr IPRxLengthLSB ; Set the length to one. mov IPRxLengthMSB,#1 call @TCPAckUpdate jmp @_TCPSendAck :reset DEBUGP $1E,top mov TCPState,#TCPStateClosed ; Close the TCP. jmp @_IPRxClosePacket ; Ignore the rest of the incoming packet. :noAck ; The peer wants us to raise the precedence. We can't. ; We are not happy about not being Acked. Send a Reset. DEBUGP $1F,top jmp @_TCPSendReset _TCPAckUpdate _bank TCPVars ; Set SND.UNA = SEG.ACK. mov w,TCPTMP_ACK4 _bank TCB mov TCPSND_UNA4,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_ACK3 _bank TCB mov TCPSND_UNA3,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_ACK2 _bank TCB mov TCPSND_UNA2,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_ACK1 _bank TCB mov TCPSND_UNA1,w _bank TCPVars ; Set RCV.NXT = SEG.SEQ mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ4 _bank TCB mov TCPRCV_NXT4,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ3 _bank TCB mov TCPRCV_NXT3,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ2 _bank TCB mov TCPRCV_NXT2,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_SEQ1 _bank TCB mov TCPRCV_NXT1,w _bank IPVars mov w,IPRxLengthMSB jmp @_TCPAddRCV_NXT ; Add the length of the received packet to the ACK. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPTransmit ; ; See if the application has any data to transmit. If there are no outstanding ; packets and the application has data, then transmit a packet. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- org $800 _TCPTransmit _bank TCPVars cjae TCPState,#TCPStateSynSent,:ok clrb StatusPort.LED1 retp :ok test TCPOutstanding sz ; Are there any bytes unacknowledged? jmp :timeout ; Yes. Check for timeout. cjae TCPState,#TCPStateFinWait1,:fintimeout ; Check for FIN timeout. :retransmit call @AppBytesToSend ; No. Ask the application if it wants to transmit. test w snz ; Does the application wish to transmit? retp ; No. We're done here. Return. _bank TCPVars mov TCPOutstanding,w ; Save the number of bytes to transmit. _bank IPVars ; Compute the checksum over the data. mov IPLengthLSB,w clr TCPChecksumMSB ; Initialize the checksum. clr TCPChecksumLSB clrb IPFlags.checksumBit ; Indicate the next bit is an MSB. DEBUGW $26,top :csloop call @AppTxByte DEBUGW $2A,indent call @TCPChecksum ; Accumulate the checksum _bank IPVars decsz IPLengthLSB jmp :csloop call @AppNak ; Reset the application. ; Start a TCP packet. _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPOutstanding _bank IPVars mov IPLengthLSB,w clr IPLengthMSB _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,#(1<<TCPFlagPSH)|(1<<TCPFlagACK) call @TCPSendHeader ; Send the header. _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPOutstanding _bank IPVars mov IPLengthLSB,w :dataloop ; Send the packet data. call @AppTxByte call @PhyTxByte ; Send the byte. _bank IPVars decsz IPLengthLSB jmp :dataloop call @TCPClosePacket ; End the packet. _bank PPPTimer ; Initialise the restart timer. clr PPPTimer1 clr PPPTimer2 clr PPPTimer3 retp :fintimeout _bank PPPTimer csae PPPTimer3,#TCPRestartExpire ; Has the restart timer expired? jmp :retransmit clr PPPTimer1 ; Yes. Initialise the restart timer. clr PPPTimer2 clr PPPTimer3 jmp @_TCPSendFin :timeout _bank PPPTimer csae PPPTimer3,#TCPRestartExpire ; Has the restart timer expired? retp ; No clr PPPTimer1 ; Yes. Initialise the restart timer. clr PPPTimer2 clr PPPTimer3 DEBUGP $24,top call @AppNak ; Tell the application. jmp :retransmit ; Transmit the packet again. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPSendSyn ; ; Send an ACK packet with <SEQ=SND.NXT><ACK=RCV.NXT><CTL=SYN> ; ; W on entry: A random value to initialise the ISS. ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPSendSynAck _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,#(1<<TCPFlagSYN)|(1<<TCPFlagACK) jmp ISS _TCPSendSyn DEBUGP $22,top _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,#(1<<TCPFlagSYN) ISS mov TCPSND_UNA1,w ; packet to increase randomness. mov TCPSND_UNA2,rtcc mov TCPSND_UNA3,rtcc mov TCPSND_UNA4,rtcc mov w,#1 ; Add 1 to RCV.NXT call @TCPAddRCV_NXT call @TCPSendEmptyHeader ; Send the header. call @PPPClosePacket ; Close the packet. mov w,#1 ; Add 1 to SND.NXT jmp @_TCPAddSND_UNA ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPSendAck ; ; Send an ACK packet with <SEQ=SND.NXT><ACK=RCV.NXT><CTL=ACK> ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPSendAck DEBUGP $23,top ; Copy the acknowledgement number. _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,#(1<<TCPFlagACK) ; An ACK packet. call @TCPSendEmptyHeader ; Send the header. call @PPPClosePacket ; Close the packet. jmp @_IPRxClosePacket ; Ignore the rest of the incoming packet. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPSendFin ; ; Send a FIN packet ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPSendFin DEBUGP $29,top _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,#(1<<TCPFlagFIN)|(1<<TCPFlagACK) ; A FIN packet. call @TCPSendEmptyHeader ; Send the header. call @PPPClosePacket ; Close the packet. jmp @_IPRxClosePacket ; Ignore the rest of the incoming packet. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPSendReset ; ; Send a reset packet with <SEQ=SEG.ACK><CTL=RST> ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPSendReset DEBUGP $21,top ; Copy the acknowledgement number. _bank TCB mov TCPFlags,#(1<<TCPFlagRST) ; A reset packet. _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_ACK4 _bank TCB mov TCPSND_UNA4,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_ACK3 _bank TCB mov TCPSND_UNA3,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_ACK2 _bank TCB mov TCPSND_UNA2,w _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPTMP_ACK1 _bank TCB mov TCPSND_UNA1,w call @TCPSendEmptyHeader ; Send the header. call @PPPClosePacket ; Close the packet. jmp @_IPRxClosePacket ; Ignore the rest of the incoming packet. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPInitChecksum ; ; Initialize the TCP checksum with the pseudo header fields. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDIF IFDEF TCP _TCPInitChecksum _bank IPVars mov w,#IPAddress1 call @TCPChecksum mov w,#IPAddress2 call @TCPChecksum mov w,#IPAddress3 call @TCPChecksum mov w,#IPAddress4 call @TCPChecksum mov w,#0 call @TCPChecksum mov w,#IPProtocolTCP call @TCPChecksum mov w,IPDestAddress1 call @TCPChecksum mov w,IPDestAddress2 call @TCPChecksum mov w,IPDestAddress3 call @TCPChecksum mov w,IPDestAddress4 call @TCPChecksum mov w,IPLengthMSB call @TCPChecksum mov w,IPLengthLSB call @TCPChecksum retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPChecksum ; ; Accumulate the TCP checksum. ; ; W on entry: The value of the byte to accumulate. ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPChecksum _bank IPVars sb IPFlags.checksumBit ; Are we processing an MSB? jmp :MSB ; Yes add TCPChecksumLSB,w ; Add it to the checksum sc ; Was there a carry? jmp :done inc TCPChecksumMSB ; Yes snz inc TCPChecksumLSB jmp :done :MSB add TCPChecksumMSB,w ; Add it to the checksum sc ; Was there a carry? jmp :done inc TCPChecksumLSB ; Yes. This time it is added to the LSB. snz inc TCPChecksumMSB :done xor IPFlags,#(1<<checksumBit) ; Flip the checksum bit. retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPTxByte ; ; Transmit a TCP byte accumulating the checksum each time. ; ; W on entry: The value of the byte to send. ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPTxByte mov Scratch1,w ; Save the byte. call @TCPChecksum mov w,Scratch1 ; Retrieve the saved byte. call @PhyTxByte retp ;=============================================================================== ; 32-bit math subroutines ;=============================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: TCPAddRCV_NXT, TCPAddSND_NXT ; ; Add a constant to RCV.NXT or SND.NXT ; ; W on entry: The number to add. ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ; Bank on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _TCPAddRCV_NXT _bank TCB add TCPRCV_NXT1,w sc retp incsz TCPRCV_NXT2 retp incsz TCPRCV_NXT3 retp incsz TCPRCV_NXT4 retp _TCPAddSND_UNA _bank TCB add TCPSND_UNA1,w sc retp incsz TCPSND_UNA2 retp incsz TCPSND_UNA3 retp incsz TCPSND_UNA4 retp ENDIF IFDEF POP3DEMO _get_tens clr Scratch2 ;result :2d_again sub Scratch1,#10 sc ; nc=below 100 jmp :2d_next_digit inc Scratch2 jmp :2d_again :2d_next_digit add Scratch1,#10 ; restore from underflow add Scratch2,#'0' retp _get_hundreds clr Scratch2 ;result :3d_again sub Scratch1,#100 sc ; nc=below 100 jmp :3d_next_digit inc Scratch2 jmp :3d_again :3d_next_digit add Scratch1,#100 ; restore from underflow add Scratch2,#'0' retp _times_10 clc rl scratch1 mov scratch2,scratch1 ; store *2 rl scratch1 rl scratch1 add scratch1,scratch2 retp ENDIF org $A00 ;=============================================================================== ; TCP HTTP Demo Functions ;=============================================================================== IFDEF HTTPDEMO ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EEPROM Routines ; ; These must be in the first half of a page. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E2Start ;SCL=high, SDA=in mov w, #E2SDAOutDDR ;Prepare to make SDA an output clrb E2SDAPin ;When output SDA will be low mov !E2Port, w ;Make SDA an output => low jmp E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay & return E2Stop ;SCL=high, SDA=in/out clrb E2SCLPin ;Make SCL go low => can change data nop ;3 cycles needed before change DDR mov w, #E2SDAOutDDR ;Prepare to make SDA an output clrb E2SDAPin ;Prepare to output SDA low mov !E2Port, w ;Make SDA an output => low call E2DelaySCLLow ;Delay setb E2SCLPin ;Make SCL go high call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay mov w, #E2SDAInDDR ;Prepare to make SDA go high => stop bit mov !E2Port, w ;Release SDA => stop bit call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay clz ;Indicate stream closed retp E2WriteToRead ;SCL=high, SDA=in clrb E2SCLPin ;SCL goes low to allow data change call E2DelaySCLLow ;Delay setb E2SCLPin ;Return SCL high call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay jmp E2Start E2Write ;SCL=high, SDA=in mov E2DataBits, w ;Store data to be sent mov E2BitCount, #8 ;Send 8 bits :Bit clrb E2SCLPin ;SCL goes low to allow data change rl E2DataBits ;C = bit to send (MSB first) mov w, #E2SDAOutDDR ;Guess bit is a 0 snc ;Should bit be a 1 ? mov w, #E2SDAInDDR ;Yes => Change to 1 clrb E2SDAPin ;SDA low in case of an ouput mov !E2Port, w ;Apply SDA DDR call E2DelaySCLLow ;Delay setb E2SCLPin ;Return SCL high to allow E2 to read data call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay decsz E2BitCount ;More bits to send ? jmp :Bit ;Yes => send next bit mov w, #E2SDAInDDR ;Prepare to make SDA go high mov !E2Port, w ;Release SDA pin for ack clrb E2SCLPin ;SCL goes low for ack call E2DelaySCLLow ;Delay setb E2SCLPin ;Return SCL high to read ack call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay stz ;Assume a 0 snb E2SDAPin ;Is the data a 1 ? clz ;Yes => change to a 1 retp E2ReadAck ;SCL should be high mov E2BitCount, #8 ;Get 8 bits :Bit clrb E2SCLPin ;SCL goes low to allow data change nop nop mov w, #E2SDAInDDR ;Prepare to make SDA go high mov !E2Port, w ;Release SDA pin to allow data read call E2DelaySCLLow ;Delay setb E2SCLPin ;Return SCL high to allow E2 to read data clc ;Assume a 0 snb E2SDAPin ;Is the data a 1 ? stc ;Yes => change to a 1 rl E2DataBits ;Store new bit (MSB first) call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay decsz E2BitCount ;More bits to come ? jmp :Bit ;Yes => get next bit clrb E2SCLPin ;SCL goes low to allow data change for ack nop ;3 cycles needed before change DDR mov w, #E2SDAOutDDR ;Prepare to make SDA go low for ack clrb E2SDAPin ;SDA low when output mov !E2Port, w ;Force SDA pin low call E2DelaySCLLow ;Delay setb E2SCLPin ;Return SCL high. Note SDA still low call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay mov w, E2DataBits ;Data to be returned stz ;Indicate ack retp E2ReadNotAck ;SCL should be high mov E2BitCount, #8 ;Get 8 bits of data :Bit clrb E2SCLPin ;SCL goes low to allow data change nop nop mov w, #E2SDAInDDR ;Prepare to make SDA go high mov !E2Port, w ;Release SDA pin to allow data read call E2DelaySCLLow ;Delay setb E2SCLPin ;Return SCL high to allow E2 to read data clc ;Assume a 0 snb E2SDAPin ;Is the data a 1 ? stc ;Yes => change to a 1 rl E2DataBits ;Store new bit (MSB first) call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay decsz E2BitCount ;More bits to come ? jmp :Bit ;Yes => get next bit clrb E2SCLPin ;SCL goes low to allow data change for ack call E2DelaySCLLow ;Leave SDA high for not ack, Delay setb E2SCLPin ;Return SCL high. call E2DelaySCLHigh ;Delay mov w, E2DataBits ;Data to be returned clz ;Indicate not ack retp E2DelaySCLLow ;1300ns minimum = 65 instructions mov E2Delay, #15 ;Loop 15 times (4 cycles per loop + 8 for overhead) :Loop decsz E2Delay ;Delay complete ? jmp :Loop ;No => loop again retp E2DelaySCLHigh ;600ns minimum = 30 instructions mov E2Delay, #6 ;Loop 6 times (4 cycles per loop + 8 for overhead) :Loop decsz E2Delay ;Delay complete ? jmp :Loop ;No => loop again retp ; ============================================================================== ; Mode must be DDR E2WriteStart ;Returns Z=true for ready _bank E2Bank mov w,#$1f mov m,w call E2Start ;Send start bit mov w, #E2DeviceWR call E2Write ;Output device code sz ;Ack ? jmp E2Stop ;No => not ready, send stop bit + return z=false mov w, E2AddrH call E2Write ;Output AddrH mov w, E2AddrL call E2Write ;Output AddrL sz ;Ack ? jmp E2Stop ;No => not ready, send stop bit + return z=false retp E2WriteData ;W = data, returns Z=true for ack _bank E2Bank jmp E2Write E2WriteComplete ;Complete write process _bank E2Bank jmp E2Stop E2ReadStart ;Returns Z=true for ack _bank E2Bank mov w,#$1f mov m,w call E2Start ;Send start bit mov w, #E2DeviceWR call E2Write ;Output device code sz ;Ack ? jmp E2Stop ;No => not ready, send stop bit + return z=false mov w, E2AddrH call E2Write ;Output AddrH mov w, E2AddrL call E2Write ;Output AddrL call E2WriteToRead ;Send start bit mov w, #E2DeviceRD call E2Write ;Output sz ;Ack ? jmp E2Stop ;No => not ready, send stop bit + return z=false retp E2ReadData ;Returns W=data _bank E2Bank jmp E2ReadAck ;Read byte E2ReadComplete ;Returns W=data DEBUGP $62,top _bank E2Bank call E2ReadNotAck ;Read byte call E2Stop ;Send stop bit mov w, E2DataBits ;Data to be returned retp ; ============================================================================== E2OpenFile ;w = file reference, returns z=true for open _bank E2Bank mov E2AddrL, w ;AddrL = reference clr E2AddrH ;AddrH = 0 clc ;Prepare to multiply by 2 rl E2AddrL ;Multiply by 2 rl E2AddrH ;Multiply by 2 call E2ReadStart ;Prepare to read sz ;Ack ? retp ;No => return error (z=false) call E2ReadData ;Read MSB of address mov E2AddrH, w ;AddrH = MSB call E2ReadComplete ;Read LSB of address mov E2AddrL, w ;AddrL = LSB call E2ReadStart ;Prepare to read sz ;Ack ? retp ;No => return error (z=false) call E2ReadData ;Read 1st byte mov E2FileSizeH, w ;1st byte = FilesizeH call E2ReadData ;Read 2nd byte mov E2FileSizeL, w ;2nd byte = FilesizeL call E2ReadData ;Read 3rd byte mov E2FileChecksumH, w ;3rd byte = ChecksumH call E2ReadData ;Read 4th byte mov E2FileChecksumL, w ;4th byte = ChecksumL retp ;Return ready to read 1st real data byte E2CloseFile = E2ReadComplete ;Should not be used unless closing file piror to reaching end E2ReadFile ;Returns Z=More (=false for last byte) mov w,#$1f mov m,w _bank E2Bank decsz E2FilesizeL ;More ? jmp E2ReadData ;Yes => read data test E2FilesizeH ;No => check high snz ;More ? jmp E2ReadComplete ;No => read last byte and close file dec E2FilesizeH ;Yes => decrement counter jmp E2ReadData ; read data ; ============================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppInit ; ; Called once at startup to allow the application to initialise itself. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppInit DEBUGP $50,top _bank TCB mov TCPLocalPortl,#HTTPPortl mov TCPLocalPorth,#HTTPPorth _bank HTTPVars clr HTTPParseState ; Initialise all variables. clr HTTPURIHash clr HTTPDone clr HTTPLengthMSB clr HTTPLengthLSB jmp @_TCPPassiveOpen ; Connect to the remote TCP. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppBytesToSend ; ; Called before transmitting a TCP packet to see if the application has any ; data it wishes to send. ; ; The way that data is segmented is a little unorthodox. The maximum transmit ; packet size is 256 bytes. The first packet contains length%256 bytes. Each ; subsequent packet contains 256 bytes until all data is sent. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : The number of bytes the application wishes to transmit. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppBytesToSend _bank HTTPVars clr E2FileSizeH test HTTPLengthMSB snz jmp :msbzero mov w,#$ff mov E2FileSizeL,w retp :msbzero mov E2FileSizeL,HTTPLengthLSB test E2FileSizeL sz retp sb HTTPDone.0 retp clr HTTPDone _bank TCPVars cse TCPState,#TCPStateEstablished retp jmp @_TCPClose ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppPacketOK ; ; The last packet received passed the CRC check. At this point the packet data ; may be acted upon. The application should not transmit a reply packet, but ; should wait for AppBytesToSend to be called. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppPacketOK DEBUGP $57,top _bank HTTPVars csae HTTPParseState,#HTTPParse4 ; Check that the parse state is correct. retp ; Read the pointer from the FAT. mov w,HTTPParseState DEBUGW $65,indent _bank HTTPVars clr HTTPParseState ; mov w,#$2a ; Hardcoded hash of /index.html mov w,HTTPURIHash DEBUGW $64,indent mov Scratch0,w :retry call @E2OpenFile sz ; z indicates file found. jmp :404 mov HTTPLengthMSB,E2FileSizeH mov HTTPLengthLSB,E2FileSizeL add E2AddrL,#4 ; Skip over length and checksum next time. snc inc E2AddrH retp :404 ;Indicate 404 error. mov w,Scratch0 DEBUGW $60,top mov Scratch0,#HTTP404Hash ; Hash of the 404 page jmp :retry retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppPacketBad ; ; The last packet received did not pass the CRC check. The recieve counters ; should be reset and any actions undone since the packet will be received again. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppPacketBad _bank HTTPVars clr HTTPParseState retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppBytesAvailable ; ; Indicator to the application that a packet has been received and that AppRxByte ; is about to be called 'w' times. ; ; W on entry: The number of bytes received ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppBytesAvailable _bank HTTPVars clr HTTPDone retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppTxByte ; ; This routine is called once for each byte the application has says it wishes ; to transmit. The application must be prepared to transmit the same sequence ; of bytes again if it receives the AppNak call. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : The bext byte to transmit. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppTxByte _bank HTTPVars call @E2ReadFile retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppRxByte ; ; Called once for each byte received in a packet. The application should not ; take any irreversible action until either AppPacketOK or AppPacketBad are ; called to indicate the packet CRC was OK. If the CRC is not OK then the same ; sequence of bytes will be received again when the packet is retransmitted by ; the remote host. ; ; W on entry: The byte received ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppRxByte _bank HTTPVars mov Scratch0,w ; Save the received byte. mov w,HTTPParseState DEBUGW $65,indent _bank HTTPVars cje Scratch0,#' ',:nextState cje HTTPParseState,#HTTPParseMethod,:method cje HTTPParseState,#HTTPParseURI,:uri jmp :findEnd :method mov HTTPMethod,Scratch0 ; Save the method. retp :uri add HTTPURIHash,Scratch0 ; Add the byte to the hash retp :nextState csae HTTPParseState,#HTTPParseVersion inc HTTPParseState :reset cjb HTTPParseState,#HTTPParseVersion,:done mov HTTPParseState,#HTTPParse1 :done retp :findEnd cja Scratch0,#CharCR,:reset inc HTTPParseState retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppNak ; ; The last packet transmitted was rejected by the remote host, or not ; acknowledged. It needs to be retransmitted. This is a signal to the application ; to reset its transmit counters. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppNak DEBUGP $53,top _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPOutstanding _bank HTTPVars mov E2FileSizeL,w call E2ReadStart ;Prepare to read snz ;Ack ? retp DEBUGP $61,top retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppAck ; ; The last packet transmitted was acknowledged by the remote host. It will not ; need to be retransmitted. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppAck DEBUGP $54,top _bank TCPVars mov w,TCPOutstanding _bank HTTPVars add E2AddrL,w snc inc E2AddrH sub HTTPLengthLSB,w sc dec HTTPLengthMSB test HTTPLengthLSB ; Check if the whole document has been sent. sz jmp :continue test HTTPLengthMSB sz jmp :continue setb HTTPDone.0 ; Signal that we are done. retp :continue call E2ReadStart ; Prepare to read. retp ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; TCP SMTP Demo Functions ;=============================================================================== IFDEF SMTPDEMO ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppPacketOK ; ; The last packet received passed the CRC check. At this point the packet data ; may be acted upon. The application should not transmit a reply packet, but ; should wait for AppBytesToSend to be called. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _SMTPCannedPackets = $ _SMTPHELO dw 'HELO scenix.com',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _SMTPMAIL dw 'MAIL FROM:<dummy@demo.sx>',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _SMTPRCPT dw 'RCPT TO:<joe@demo.sx>',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _SMTPDATA dw 'DATA',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _SMTPMESG dw 'From: SX',CharCR,CharLF dw 'To: Joe',CharCR,CharLF dw 'Subject: Warning!',CharCR,CharLF,CharCR,CharLF dw 'Over-temperature condition in router.',CharCR,CharLF,'.',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _SMTPQUIT dw 'QUIT',CharCR,CharLF + $f00 _SMTPNONE dw $f00 _AppPacketOK DEBUGP $57,top _bank SMTPVars mov w,SMTPState DEBUGW $31,top ; SMTP state. _bank SMTPVars ; If the high nibble of the command is not 2 or 3 then an error occured. Abort. mov Scratch0,SMTPCommand and Scratch0,#%00100000 sz jmp :continue ; An error occurred. Close the TCP connection. mov w,SMTPCommand DEBUGW $30,top jmp @_TCPClose :continue inc SMTPState ; Increment the state to indicate the next step is possible. csne SMTPState,#SMTPStateQuit test SMTPState ; Load the pointer for the next state. mov Scratch0,SMTPState clc rl Scratch0 ; Multiply the state by 2. mov w,Scratch0 jmp pc+w ; Jump based on the SMTP state. mov w,#_SMTPNONE&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPHELO&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPNONE&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPMAIL&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPNONE&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPRCPT&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPNONE&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPDATA&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPNONE&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPMESG&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPNONE&255 jmp :done mov w,#_SMTPQUIT&255 jmp :done :done mov SMTPTxPointer,w clr SMTPRxCount clr SMTPTxCount ; Reset the count. mov w,SMTPState DEBUGW $31,top ; SMTP state. retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppInit ; ; Called once at startup to allow the application to initialise itself. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppInit DEBUGP $50,top _bank SMTPVars mov SMTPState,#SMTPStateClosed ; Start in the closed state. clr SMTPRxCount clr SMTPTxCount mov SMTPTxPointer,#_SMTPNONE&255 clr SMTPEOL _bank IPVars mov IPDestAddress1,#SMTPAddress1 ; SMTP server IP address. mov IPDestAddress2,#SMTPAddress2 mov IPDestAddress3,#SMTPAddress3 mov IPDestAddress4,#SMTPAddress4 ; Randomly choose our own port. _bank PPPTimer mov w,PPPTimer2 ; Base it on a timer. _bank TCB mov TCPLocalPortl,w mov TCPLocalPorth,#$36 mov TCPRemotePorth,#SMTPPorth ; Set the port to connect to. mov TCPRemotePortl,#SMTPPortl jmp @_TCPActiveOpen ; Connect to the remote TCP. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppBytesToSend ; ; Called before transmitting a TCP packet to see if the application has any ; data it wishes to send. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : The number of bytes the application wishes to transmit. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppBytesToSend ; Compute the number of bytes we have to transmit. clr Scratch1 _bank SMTPVars csne SMTPState,#SMTPStateMesgAck test SMTPState cjne SMTPTxPointer,#_SMTPNONE&255,:count mov w,#0 retp :count mov Scratch0,SMTPTxPointer ; Save the start address. mov w,#0 mov m,w :loop mov m, #(_SMTPCannedPackets>>8) ; Load the mode register. mov w,Scratch0 ; Load the pointer iread ; Read the next byte. inc Scratch1 mov w,m ; Load the mode register. test w sz ; If it is not zero then exit. jmp :done ; We're done counting. inc Scratch0 ; Increment the pointer jmp :loop :done _bank SMTPVars mov w,SMTPState DEBUGW $31,top mov w,Scratch1 retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppBytesAvailable ; ; Indicator to the application that a packet has been received and that AppRxByte ; is about to be called 'w' times. ; ; W on entry: The number of bytes received ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppBytesAvailable DEBUGW $52,top retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppTxByte ; ; This routine is called once for each byte the application has says it wishes ; to transmit. The application must be prepared to transmit the same sequence ; of bytes again if it receives the AppNak call. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : The bext byte to transmit. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppTxByte DEBUGP $55,indent _bank SMTPVars mov w,#0 mov m,w mov m, #(_SMTPCannedPackets>>8) ; Load the mode register. mov w,SMTPTxPointer ; Load start address. add w,SMTPTxCount ; Offset by the current count. iread ; Read the next byte. inc SMTPTxCount retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppRxByte ; ; Called once for each byte received in a packet. The application should not ; take any irreversible action until either AppPacketOK or AppPacketBad are ; called to indicate the packet CRC was OK. If the CRC is not OK then the same ; sequence of bytes will be received again when the packet is retransmitted by ; the remote host. ; ; W on entry: The byte received ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppRxByte DEBUGP $56,indent mov Scratch2,w ; Save the received byte. _bank SMTPVars mov w,SMTPRxCount DEBUGW $32,indent _bank SMTPVars mov w,SMTPCommand DEBUGW $33,indent ; Process the recieved byte. _bank SMTPVars cjae SMTPRxCount,#2,:processByte ; The first two bytes received indicate the status sub Scratch2,#'0' ; Turn the character into a number. test SMTPRxCount sz jmp :one mov w,<>Scratch2 ; Move the first part of the command into the high nibble. mov SMTPCommand,w ; Save the command. jmp :done :one or SMTPCommand,Scratch2 ; Move the second part of the command into the low nibble. jmp :done :processByte ; If the byte is a linefeed the command is over. cje Scratch2,#CharLF,:linefeed :done inc SMTPRxCount test SMTPRxCount ; Watch out for the count wrapping around. mov w,#2 snz mov SMTPRxCount,w retp :linefeed inc SMTPEOL ; Indicate a linefeed was detected. retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppNak ; ; The last packet transmitted was rejected by the remote host, or not ; acknowledged. It needs to be retransmitted. This is a signal to the application ; to reset its transmit counters. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppNak DEBUGP $53,top _bank SMTPVars clr SMTPTxCount retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppAck ; ; The last packet transmitted was acknowledged by the remote host. It will not ; need to be retransmitted. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppAck DEBUGP $54,top _bank SMTPVars inc SMTPState mov SMTPTxPointer,#_SMTPNONE&255 retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppPacketBad ; ; The last packet received did not pass the CRC check. The recieve counters ; should be reset and any actions undone since the packet will be received again. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppPacketBad DEBUGP $58,top _bank SMTPVars clr SMTPRxCount retp ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; TCP POP3 Demo Functions ;=============================================================================== IFDEF POP3DEMO ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppPacketOK ; ; The last packet received passed the CRC check. At this point the packet data ; may be acted upon. The application should not transmit a reply packet, but ; should wait for AppBytesToSend to be called. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppPacketOK DEBUGP $57,top _bank POP3Vars mov w,POP3State DEBUGW $31,top ; POP3 state. _bank POP3Vars ; if the response is not a '+' then error occurs (except when receiving message body) csne POP3State,#POP3StateMsg jmp :continue csne POP3Command1,#'+' jmp :continue ; mov Scratch0,POP3Command ; and Scratch0,#%00100000 ; sz ; jmp :continue ; An error occurred. Close the TCP connection. mov w,POP3Command1 DEBUGW $30,top jmp @_TCPClose ; state diagram ; Sx POP3 server ; closed (0)--> send Username (1) ; +ok <------- UserAck (2) ; send Password (3) ; +ok <------- PassAck (4) ; send Stat (5) ; +ok num_msg <- StatAck (6) ;loop num_msg times in the following states with i=1 to num_msg ; send Retr i (7) ; +ok <- RetrAck (8) ; multi-line msg (transmit to UART) <- (9) ; terminated by . <- ; send dele i (10) ; +ok <- deleAck (11) ; goto state 7 ; send quit (12) ; +ok <- quitack (13) ; finished (14) :continue ; inc POP3State ; Increment the state to indicate the next step is possible. ; csne POP3State,#POP3StateQuit ; test POP3State ; Load the pointer for the current state. mov Scratch0,POP3State clc rl Scratch0 ; Multiply the state by 2. mov w,Scratch0 jmp pc+w ; Jump based on the POP3 state. ; st 0->1 mov w,#_POP3USER ; current state= closed, received +ok jmp :inc_state ; inc the state, next state= send user name (1) ; st 1->2 mov w,#_POP3NONE ; Username acknowledged here, dummy state jmp :inc_state ; will never visit here, since the ACK of user will inc state in AppAck routine ;recevied +ok after userAck ; st 2->3 mov w,#_POP3PASS jmp :inc_state ; st 3->4 mov w,#_POP3NONE ; password acknowledged here, dummy state jmp :inc_state ; will never visit here, since the ACK of password will inc state in AppAck routine ; st 4->5 ;recevied +ok after PassAck mov w,#_POP3STAT ; send STAT request jmp :inc_state ; st 5->6 mov w,#_POP3NONE ; stat acknowledged here, dummy state jmp :inc_state ; will never visit here, since the ACK of password will inc state in AppAck routine ;recevied +ok N M here after StatAck, where N is number of messages, M is the number of bytes ; limit to 9 messages only, thus only '+ok n' will be stored ; st 6->7 or 6->12 mov w,#_POP3RETR jmp :stat_decide ; st 7->8 mov w,#_POP3NONE ; Retr acknowledged here, dummy state jmp :inc_state ; will never visit here, since the ACK of RETR will inc state in AppAck routine ; st 8->9, +ok, then multiple line message mov w,#_POP3NONE jmp :inc_state ; nothing to send, just change state and wait for . to end, switch to dele state ; st 9 = message state, received packet okay, if msg end flag is set then, change to dele state mov w,#_POP3NONE jmp :msg_decide ; st 10 = delete state mov w,#_POP3NONE jmp :done ; st 11 = delete ack, +ok, retrieve next message or quit if no more mov w,#_POP3RETR jmp :deleAck_decide ; st 12 quit mov w,#_POP3NONE jmp :done ; st 13 quit ack, +ok received mov w,#_POP3NONE jmp :done ;st 14 finished jmp :done :deleAck_decide _bank POP3MoreVars mov w,POP3RxMsgNo _bank POP3Vars mov w,POP3TxMsgNo-w snz jmp :quit_state inc POP3TxMsgNo ; prepare the digits for the next retr command mov Scratch1,POP3TxMsgNo _bank POP3MoreVars clr POP3TxMsgDigit1 clr POP3TxMsgDigit2 clr POP3TxMsgDigit3 cjb Scratch1,#10,:single_digit cjb Scratch1,#100,:double_digit ; 3 digits call @get_hundreds ;quotient in scratch2,remainder in scratch1 mov POP3TxMsgDigit1,Scratch2 call @get_tens mov POP3TxMsgDigit2,Scratch2 add Scratch1,#'0' mov POP3TxMsgDigit3,Scratch1 jmp :retrieve :double_digit call @get_tens mov POP3TxMsgDigit1,Scratch2 add Scratch1,#'0' mov POP3TxMsgDigit2,Scratch1 jmp :retrieve :single_digit add Scratch1,#'0' mov POP3TxMsgDigit1,Scratch1 :retrieve _bank POP3Vars ; go to retr state mov POP3State,#POP3StateRetr mov w,#_POP3RETR jmp :done :msg_decide sb POP3MsgEndFlag.1 jmp :packet_done ; not yet end, remain in message state for multiple line message ; message ended with a . ; change to dele state clr POP3MsgEndFlag ; prepare for next message clr POP3MsgSubSt mov w,#_POP3DELE jmp :inc_state :stat_decide ; if number of message is 0, then next state is quit ; else retr message 1 to n, where n is in POP3Command5 csne POP3Command5,#'0' jmp :quit_state ; 0 messages, next state=quit ; message no. <>0, next state = retr ; determine no. of messages to retrieve mov scratch1,w ; POP3Command5-w is in w now cje POP3Command6,#' ', :store_msg_no ; single digit? sub POP3Command6,#'0' ;multiply the previous digit by 10=digit*8+*2 call @times_10 ; scratch1 x 10 add scratch1,POP3Command6 cje POP3Command7,#' ', :store_msg_no ; double digit? sub POP3Command7,#'0' ;multiply the previous digit by 10=digit*8+*2 call @times_10 ; scratch1 x 10 add scratch1,POP3Command7 :store_msg_no _bank POP3MoreVars mov POP3RxMsgNo,scratch1 ; =total no. of messages to retrieve mov POP3TxMsgDigit1,#'1' clr POP3TxMsgDigit2 clr POP3TxMsgDigit3 _bank POP3Vars mov POP3TxMsgNo,#1 clr POP3MsgEndFlag mov w,#_POP3RETR ; limit will be check in AppTxByte jmp :inc_state ; next stat=retrieve :packet_done mov POP3TxPointer,w mov POP3MsgSubStLast,POP3MsgSubSt ; store last sub state jmp :done2 :quit_state mov POP3State,#POP3StateQuit ; zero messages, next state=quit mov w,#_POP3QUIT jmp :done :inc_state inc POP3State ; Increment the state to indicate the next step is possible. :done mov POP3TxPointer,w :done2 clr POP3RxCount clr POP3TxCount ; Reset the count. ; clr POP3MsgSubSt ;start of Msg sub state IFDEF POP3DEBUG mov w,POP3State mov DebugScratch1,w add DebugScratch1,#'0' mov w,DebugScratch1 call @DebugSendByte ENDIF retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppRxByte ; ; Called once for each byte received in a packet. The application should not ; take any irreversible action until either AppPacketOK or AppPacketBad are ; called to indicate the packet CRC was OK. If the CRC is not OK then the same ; sequence of bytes will be received again when the packet is retransmitted by ; the remote host. ; ; W on entry: The byte received ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppRxByte ; POP3DW mov Scratch2,w ; Save the received byte. _bank POP3Vars mov w,POP3RxCount DEBUGW $32,indent _bank POP3Vars cje POP3State,#POP3StateMsg,:message_state ; if message state, scan for <LF>.<CR> combination cjae POP3RxCount,#7,:processByte ; The first byte received indicate the status +=ok -=error or +ok n (no. of messages) mov fsr,#POP3Command1 add fsr,POP3RxCount mov ind,Scratch2 jmp :done :processByte ; skip until end of response ; If the byte is a linefeed the command is over. cje Scratch2,#CharLF,:linefeed :done inc POP3RxCount test POP3RxCount ; Watch out for the count wrapping around. mov w,#5 snz mov POP3RxCount,w retp :linefeed inc POP3EOL ; Indicate a linefeed was detected. retp :message_state cjne POP3RxCount,#0,:skip_loading mov POP3MsgSubSt,POP3MsgSubStLast :skip_loading mov w,POP3MsgSubSt jmp pc+w jmp :Start jmp :CR_detected jmp :CR_LF_detected jmp :CR_LF_dot_detected jmp :CR_LF_dot_CR_detected jmp :m_start :Start cjne Scratch2,#CharCR,:m_done :m_next_state inc POP3MsgSubSt ; 1 CR detected jmp :m_done :CR_detected cjne Scratch2,#CharLF,:m_start jmp :m_next_state :CR_LF_detected cje Scratch2,#'.',:m_next_state_no_show cjne Scratch2,#CharCR,:m_start ;<CR><LF><CR> detected mov POP3MsgSubSt,#POP3MsgSubSt1CR jmp :m_done :CR_LF_dot_detected cje Scratch2,#'.',:byte_stuffed ; byte-stuff . , display it cjne Scratch2,#CharCR,:m_start jmp :m_next_state_no_show :CR_LF_dot_CR_detected cjne Scratch2,#CharLF,:m_start setb POP3MsgEndFlag.1 ; LF+.+CR jmp :m_ok :m_next_state_no_show inc POP3MsgSubSt jmp :m_ok :m_done ;send data to debug port from this line mov w,Scratch2 POP3W :m_ok inc POP3RxCount mov Scratch1,POP3MsgSubSt add Scratch1,#'!' mov w,Scratch1 POP3DW retp :byte_stuffed :m_start ; change to start state clr POP3MsgSubSt jmp :m_done ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppBytesToSend ; ; Called before transmitting a TCP packet to see if the application has any ; data it wishes to send. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : The number of bytes the application wishes to transmit. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppBytesToSend ; Compute the number of bytes we have to transmit. clr Scratch1 _bank POP3Vars cjne POP3TxPointer,#_POP3NONE,:count mov w,#0 retp :count mov Scratch0,POP3TxPointer ; Save the start address. mov w,#0 ; ## Compensate for SX52 mode bug. mov m,w ; ## :loop mov m, #(_POP3CannedPackets>>8) ; Load the mode register. mov w,Scratch0 ; Load the pointer iread ; Read the next byte. inc Scratch1 test w snz jmp :check mov w,m ; Load the mode register. test w sz ; If it is not zero then exit. jmp :done ; We're done counting. inc Scratch0 ; Increment the pointer jmp :loop :done _bank POP3Vars mov w,POP3State DEBUGW $31,top mov w,Scratch1 retp :check ; d1 d2 d3 -> +2 ; d1 d2 0 -> +1 ; d1 0 0 -> no change _bank POP3MoreVars mov w,POP3TxMsgDigit2 test w snz jmp :no_change inc Scratch1 mov w,POP3TxMsgDigit3 test w snz jmp :no_change inc Scratch1 :no_change _bank POP3Vars ;compensate for 0d,0a inc Scratch1 inc Scratch1 jmp :done ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppBytesAvailable ; ; Indicator to the application that a packet has been received and that AppRxByte ; is about to be called 'w' times. ; ; W on entry: The number of bytes received ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppBytesAvailable DEBUGW $52,top retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppTxByte ; ; This routine is called once for each byte the application has says it wishes ; to transmit. The application must be prepared to transmit the same sequence ; of bytes again if it receives the AppNak call. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : The bext byte to transmit. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; due to the fact that retr and dele has a variable, all message in those 2 states will be transmitted differently ; in the way as follows: ; if it is zero, replaced with the content of POP3TxMsgNo _AppTxByte _bank POP3Vars mov w,#0 ; ## Compensate for SX52 mode bug. mov m,w ; ## mov m, #(_POP3CannedPackets>>8) ; Load the mode register. mov w,POP3TxPointer ; Load start address. add w,POP3TxCount ; Offset by the current count. iread ; Read the next byte. test w sz ; =0 then, replace with POP3TxMsgNo jmp :done ;replace mov Scratch2,POP3TxCount _bank POP3MoreVars mov fsr,#POP3MoreVars mov w,Scratch2 add fsr,w mov w,ind test w sz jmp :to_done ;skip to <CR><LF> _bank POP3Vars mov POP3TxCount,#8 ; move pointer to <CR> mov w,#CharCR :to_done _bank POP3Vars :done POP3DW inc POP3TxCount retp ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; Application code ;=============================================================================== org $d00 _ResetVector mov !option,#%11001000 ; Disable RTCC rollover. mov StatusPort,#0 ; Initialize status LEDs. ; mov !StatusPort,#0 ; Set RA in/out directions for status LEDs. mov !re,#0 ; Set RA in/out directions for status LEDs. call @SerialInit ; Initialize the UART. call @PPPInit ; Initialize the PPP layer. IFDEF HTTPDEMO mov re, #E2PortInit mov !re, #E2SDAInDDR _bank E2Bank clr E2AddrH clr E2AddrL ENDIF IFDEF ADCDEMO clr rb ;Ensure rb output pins startup low mov !rb, #%01000000 _bank ADCVars clr adcCount clr adcAcc clr adcwarning ENDIF IFDEF JAVADEMO _bank JavaVars mov lawnOn,#sprinklerOn mov pathTime,#sprinkler45 ENDIF ; Application code starts here: ; Start the PPP connection :Start IFDEF WIN32 call @ModemConnect ; Pretend we are a modem. ENDIF call @PPPOpen sb PPPFlags.linkUp ; Is the link up? jmp :Start ; No. Try opening it again. ; Initialise the TCP IFDEF TCP _bank TCPVars clr TCPOutstanding mov TCPState,#TCPStateClosed ENDIF IFDEF SMTPDEMO _bank SMTPVars mov SMTPState,#SMTPStateClosed mov SMTPTxPointer,#_SMTPNONE&255 ENDIF IFDEF POP3DEMO _bank POP3Vars mov POP3State,#POP3StateClosed mov POP3TxPointer,#_POP3NONE ENDIF IFDEF HTTPDEMO call @AppInit ENDIF IFDEF POP3DEMO call @AppInit ENDIF :loop IFDEF HTTPDEMO _bank TCPVars csne TCPState,#TCPStateClosed call @AppInit ; Ensure we continue to listen. ENDIF IFDEF TCP call @TCPTransmit ENDIF call @IPReceivePacket _bank IPVars IFDEF TCP snb IPFlags.TCPPacket ; Is the packet TCP? jmp :TCPRx ; Yes, process it. ENDIF IFDEF SMTPDEMO IFNDEF ADCDEMO snb IPFlags.ICMPPacket ; Is the packet ICMP? jmp :SendMail ; If we get pinged, send an email message. ENDIF ENDIF IFDEF JAVADEMO snb IPFlags.UDPPacket ; Is the packet UDP? jmp :UDPRx ; Yes, process it. ENDIF IFDEF UDPDEMO snb IPFlags.UDPPacket ; Is the packet UDP? jmp :UDPRx ; Yes, process it. ENDIF IFDEF ADCDEMO _bank ADCVars csa adcValue, #256/7 * 4 clr ADCWarning csbe adcValue, #256/7 * 4 call @ADCSendWarning ENDIF _bank IPVars snb IPFlags.anyPacket ; Was a packet received? call @IPRxClosePacket ; Yes, make sure it is cleaned up. _bank PPPVars snb PPPFlags.linkUp ; Check the link is still up. jmp :loop jmp :Start ; If the link is reset then start again. call @PPPClose ; Close the link. :done jmp :done IFDEF TCP :TCPRx call @TCPProcessPacket ; Handle a TCP packet. ENDIF jmp :loop IFDEF SMTPDEMO :SendMail call @AppInit jmp :loop ENDIF IFDEF UDPDEMO :UDPRx call @UDPRxHeader ; Receive the UDP header. _bank UDPVars cse UDPSrcPorth,#(DemoPort&$ff00)>>8 ; Check the port number. jmp :gobble cse UDPSrcPortl,#DemoPort&$00ff jmp :gobble ; OK the packet is for the right port. call @IPRxData mov Scratch0,w cje Scratch0,#DemoMemDump,:memdump ; Is the command a memory dump? cje Scratch0,#DemoMemSet,:set ; Is the command a set memory? cje Scratch0,#DemoMemGet,:get ; Is the command a get memory? :gobble DEBUGP $80,0 call @IPRxClosePacket jmp :loop :memdump ; Dump all of the memory in a 192 byte structure. _bank IPVars clr IPLengthMSB mov IPLengthLSB,#192 mov IPDestAddress1,IPSrcAddress1 ; Copy the address of the sender mov IPDestAddress2,IPSrcAddress2 mov IPDestAddress3,IPSrcAddress3 mov IPDestAddress4,IPSrcAddress4 call @UDPStartPacket ; Start the reply packet. clr fsr :all_ram sb fsr.4 setb fsr.3 mov Scratch0,fsr ; Save the FSR mov w,ind call @IPTxData mov fsr,Scratch0 ; Restore the FSR ijnz fsr,:all_ram call @PPPClosePacket jmp :gobble :set ; Read the next byte to get an address and set that address to ; the following byte. call @IPRxData mov Scratch0,w ; Save the address. call @IPRxData mov Scratch1,w ; Save the data. mov FSR,Scratch0 ; Use indirect addressing. mov IND,Scratch1 ; Set the register. jmp :gobble :get ; The next byte contains an address. Reply with a packet containing ; the byte at that address. _bank IPVars clr IPLengthMSB mov IPLengthLSB,#1 mov IPDestAddress1,IPSrcAddress1 ; Copy the address of the sender mov IPDestAddress2,IPSrcAddress2 mov IPDestAddress3,IPSrcAddress3 mov IPDestAddress4,IPSrcAddress4 call @UDPStartPacket ; Start the reply packet. call @IPRxData ; Read the address. mov FSR,w ; Use indirect addressing. mov w,IND ; Load the byte. call @IPTxData ; Transmit it. call @PPPClosePacket ; Finish the packet. jmp :gobble ENDIF IFDEF JAVADEMO :UDPRx call @UDPRxHeader ; Receive the UDP header. _bank UDPVars cse UDPSrcPorth,#(sprinklerPort&$ff00)>>8 ; Check the port number. jmp :gobble cse UDPSrcPortl,#sprinklerPort&$00ff jmp :gobble call @PhyRxByte ; Receive the command. mov Scratch0,w cje Scratch0,#commandGet,:commandGet cje Scratch0,#commandSet,:commandSet ; Invalid command. :gobble call @IPRxClosePacket jmp :loop :commandGet ; Send a reply packet. _bank IPVars mov IPLengthLSB,#2+(sprinklerZones*2) clr IPLengthMSB mov IPDestAddress1,IPSrcAddress1 ; Copy the address of the sender mov IPDestAddress2,IPSrcAddress2 mov IPDestAddress3,IPSrcAddress3 mov IPDestAddress4,IPSrcAddress4 call @UDPStartPacket ; Start the reply packet. mov w,#commandGet call @PhyTxByte mov w,#2+(sprinklerZones*2) call @PhyTxByte mov Scratch0,#JavaVars :gloop mov fsr,scratch0 mov w,indf call @PhyTxByte inc Scratch0 cjbe Scratch0,#JavaTxEnd,:gloop call @PPPClosePacket jmp :loop :commandSet call @PhyRxByte ; Ignore the number of zones. mov Scratch0,#JavaVars :sloop call @PhyRxByte mov Scratch1,w mov fsr,scratch0 mov indf,Scratch1 inc Scratch0 cjbe Scratch0,#JavaTxEnd,:sloop jmp :loop ENDIF IFDEF ADCDEMO _ADCSendWarning snb ADCWarning.0 retp setb ADCWarning.0 jmp @_AppInit ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; Physical layer routines ;=============================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PhyRxByte ; ; Receive a byte from the physical layer. This routine blocks until a byte is ; available. To prevent blocking, call PhyRxTest to see if there are any bytes ; already available in the receive buffer. Any transparency added by the peer ; is removed here. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : the received byte ; Variables : Scratch1 ; Bank on exit : serial ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _IPRxData _PhyRxByte mov w,fsr _bank serial mov save_bank,w call @GetByte ; Call the UART VP mov Scratch2,w cjne Scratch2,#PPPEscape,:done call @GetByte ; Get the escaped byte xor w,#PPPXor mov Scratch2,w :done call @PPPRxFCSData mov w,Scratch2 DEBUGW $03,1 _bank serial mov fsr,save_bank mov w,Scratch2 retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PhyTxByte ; Subroutine: PhyNoTransTxByte ; ; Send a byte to the physical layer. If the transmit buffer is full then this ; routine will block until space is available. ; ; PhyTxByte adds transparency while PhyNoTransTxByte doesn't. Every byte between ; the start and stop flag sequences should be processed for transparency. ; By default all characters less than $20 as well as the control escape ($7D) ; and the flag sequence ($7E) is replaced by the control escape followed by the ; original character xored with $20. ; ; W on entry: The byte to transmit ; W on exit : - ; Variables : - ; Bank on exit : serial ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _IPTxData _PhyTxByte mov Scratch1,w mov w,fsr _bank serial mov save_bank,w mov w,Scratch1 call @PPPTxFCSData _PhyTxByteNoFCS DEBUGW $0A,1 mov Scratch1,w ; Save w cje Scratch1, #PPPFlag, :trans ; Compare to the flag sequence cje Scratch1, #PPPEscape,:trans ; Compare to the control escape cjb Scratch1, #$20, :trans ; Check if < $20 mov w,Scratch1 ; Reload byte to transmit call @SendByte ; No transparency issues _bank serial mov fsr,save_bank retp :trans mov w, #PPPEscape ; Transmit the control escape call @SendByte mov w,Scratch1 ; Reload byte to transmit xor w,#PPPXor ; Xor it. _PhyNoTransTxByte call @SendByte ; Call the UART VP _bank serial mov fsr,save_bank retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: PhyRxTest ; ; Test if there is at least one byte available in the physical layer receive ; buffer. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : Z is set to 1 if byte available, 0 otherwise ; Variables : - ; Bank on exit : serial ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PhyRxTest mov w,fsr _bank serial ; Switch to the UART bank. mov save_bank,w clz test rx_ring_cnt ; Test if the ring count is zero snz jmp :not_set mov fsr,save_bank setb z retp :not_set mov fsr,save_bank clrb z retp IFDEF POP3DEMO ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppNak ; ; The last packet transmitted was rejected by the remote host, or not ; acknowledged. It needs to be retransmitted. This is a signal to the application ; to reset its transmit counters. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppNak _bank POP3Vars clr POP3TxCount mov w,#'n' POP3DW retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppAck ; ; The last packet transmitted was acknowledged by the remote host. It will not ; need to be retransmitted. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppAck _bank POP3Vars inc POP3State mov POP3TxPointer,#_POP3NONE mov w,#'a' POP3DW retp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine: AppPacketBad ; ; The last packet received did not pass the CRC check. The recieve counters ; should be reset and any actions undone since the packet will be received again. ; ; W on entry: - ; W on exit : - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _AppPacketBad DEBUGP $58,top _bank POP3Vars clr POP3RxCount mov POP3MsgSubSt,POP3MsgSubStLast mov w,#'b' POP3DW retp ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; UART virtual peripheral code to provide the physical layer ;=============================================================================== org $e00 SerialISR IFDEF ADCDEMO _bank ADCVars ;switch to ISR bank mov w, rb ;Read port b mov adcTemp, w and w, #%01111111 ;clear bit 7 sb adcTemp.6 ;Bit 6 low ? or w, #%10000000 ;Yes => set bit 7 mov rb, w ;update cap. discharge pins snb adcTemp.6 ;check if adc0 triggered? incsz adcAcc ;if so, increment accumulator inc adcAcc ; and prevent overflowing dec adcAcc ; by skipping second 'INC' inc adcCount ;adjust adc0 timing count jnz :End ; not done, jump ahead mov adcValue, adcAcc ;samples ready, update adc0 clr adcAcc ; reset adc0 accumulator setb adcComplete ;Indicate data mov w, #%11000000 and rb, w csb adcValue, #256/7 * 1 setb rb.0 csb adcValue, #256/7 * 2 setb rb.1 csb adcValue, #256/7 * 3 setb rb.2 csb adcValue, #256/7 * 4 setb rb.3 csb adcValue, #256/7 * 5 setb rb.4 csb adcValue, #256/7 * 6 setb rb.5 :End ENDIF _bank serial ;switch to serial register bank :transmit clrb tx_divide.baud_bit ;clear xmit timing count flag inc tx_divide ;only execute the transmit routine stz ;set zero flag for test sb tx_divide.baud_bit ;every 2^baud_bit interrupt jmp :receive ;not a transmit cycle test tx_count ;are we sending? sz jmp :txbit ;yes, send next bit mov w,tx_ring_cnt ;is tx ring empty? snz jmp :receive ;yes, go to :receive :txring mov w,tx_ring_op ;move one character from the ring to the mov fsr,w ; transmitter using indirect addressing mov w,indf _bank serial ;switch back to the uart bank not w ;ready bits (inverse logic) mov tx_high,w ; store data byte setb tx_low.7 ; set up start bit mov tx_count,#10 ;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit dec tx_ring_cnt ;decrement tx ring byte count snz clrb StatusPort.LEDTx ringadv tx_ring_op,tx_ring,tx_ring_size ;advance ring pointer :txbit clc ;ready stop bit rr tx_high ; and shift to next bit rr tx_low ; dec tx_count ;decrement bit counter movb tx_pin,/tx_low.6 ;output next bit :receive movb c,rx_pin ;get current rx bit test rx_count ;currently receiving byte? sz jmp :rxbit ;if so, jump ahead mov w,#9 ;in case start, ready 9 bits sc ;skip ahead if not start bit mov rx_count,w ;it is, so renew bit count mov rx_divide,#start_delay ;ready 1.5 bit periods :rxbit decsz rx_divide ;middle of next bit? jmp :rxdone setb rx_divide.baud_bit ;yes, ready 1 bit period dec rx_count ;last bit? sz ;if not rr rx_byte ; then save bit sz ;and skip to end jmp :rxdone mov w,rx_ring_cnt ; Is the receive buffer already full? xor w,#rx_ring_size ; Compare with the buffer size sz jmp :rx_ok ; Not full setb flags.rx_over ; Signal receive buffer overflow jmp :rxdone ; Return to the interrupt handler :rx_ok mov w,rx_byte ; Move the received byte to the ring bank. _bank uart_rx_ring mov uart_temp_isr,w _bank serial mov w,rx_ring_ip ; Store character in receive buffer mov fsr,w ; Set indirect address mov w,uart_temp_isr ; temp must be in same bank as rx ring. mov indf,w ; Store the received byte _bank serial ; Restore the bank setb StatusPort.LEDRx ; There is traffic. ringadv rx_ring_ip,rx_ring,rx_ring_size inc rx_ring_cnt ; Increment the ring buffer count csne rx_ring_cnt,#(rx_ring_size-2) ; Is the ring nearly full? setb cts_pin ; Yes. Drop CTS to stop the DTE. :rxdone IFDEF DEBUG call @DebugSerialISR ; Call the debug ISR. ENDIF ; Update the timer. _bank PPPTimer incsz PPPTimer1 jmp :timerDone incsz PPPTimer2 jmp :timerDone inc PPPTimer3 :timerDone mov w,#-int_period&255 ;interrupt every 'int_period' clocks :end_int retiw ;exit interrupt
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