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Home of the Win32Asm webring

Also: MetaL@ a start on a wierd little cross-processor bnf translation language.

Getting started? Follow these steps

  1. Go to Hutch's site and get MASM32 (MASM specific) and the Iczelion tutorials for MASM32
    This is the NEXT STEP in rapid assembler code development, Version 4 has its own code generator to create basic front ends in less than a minute, it has it own extendable library with full source code for efficient modular code design, it includes WINDOWS.INC version 1.12 that Iczelion has just upgraded and MASM32.HLP has a new section for pentium optimisation from an anonymous author on the net as well as the reference for the procedures contained in MASM32.LIB.

    This version has its own LIB.EXE, DUMPBIN.EXE and EDITBIN.EXE with source code so that the full capacity of LINK.EXE can be realised. Clive Turvey has given permission to include his latest version of DUMPPE.EXE with MASM32v4 which is set up to disassemble your EXE file directly from the editor. All you need to do is unzip DUMPPE.ZIP in the BIN directory.

  2. Get the WinDbg debugger.
    Read the help file, play around, setup a workspace do all the tutorials from MASM32.

  3. Read all the back issues of ASM Journal and its message forum leaving the non-32 bit and *nux stuff behind.
  4. If you still have questions, go to (or or Iczelion's Win32 Assembly HomePage The Official HomePage of #win32asm: Tutorials, basics, VxD, direct draw, winsock, links to everywhere. Then post a message on The message forum for Win32Asm Programming or to the eGroups forum at


See also:


James Newton's Win32Asm WebRing site.
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